Finally diving into the carputing world

kingvitamin said:
I just got back from Cleveland and Opening Day. All my goodies are finally here, so I hope to get working on this tomorrow. I'm sure that setting up the software is going to take me into next weekend, so that's when I am planning on tearing into my car, and molding the screen in the dash. I bought a extra center console-dash piece from a guy on here from Canada, because I'm a sissy, and don't wanna ruin my car!

Wish me luck...

Good luck! :D
ha HA!! posting from my car! umm, notmuch else to say. things are thrown inplace to make sure they work, and guesswhat, they DO! for some reason my computer lost the touchscreen driver and I've got no rom hookedup yet, but all of my major components are inplace, including the powered usb hub run off of the 5v rail of my Opus PSU...
congratulations. im gonna go with a easy laptop hooked up to a touch screen setup because im lazy and dont want too much work. hopefully that easier.
oksy do like I said, everything's mostly kinda tossed together...

but HELL YEA! I can't believe I did this and it all actually works... lots of s*** to account for and all my ducks appear to be in line on this one.

alright, touchscreen re-installed.. think I might need a stylus if I ever intend to do much surfing...

apparantly my onboard audio needs drivers forit installed... strange, but okay.. wann have my mp3's ontap!


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okay so you haven't lived until you've heard the windows startup piped digitally to a carefully setup 3-way tri-amped frontstage with 1kw going to a sub backing it up... that's about all I've got to say at the moment. WOOHA!(headbang)
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Awesome man keep us posted on this great mod everyone should do. The project starts like this every time, wires everywere, and car torn up, but once you get the basics down it starts coming together. And if done correctly it will look kick ass.
Looking good!

Got anymore pictures of how you mounted the HU down in the cup holder area.

Been wondering what amount of cutting is needed and such, may just put mine under the seat or somewhere else if there is a lot of cutting.
REMillers said:
Looking good!

Got anymore pictures of how you mounted the HU down in the cup holder area.

Been wondering what amount of cutting is needed and such, may just put mine under the seat or somewhere else if there is a lot of cutting.

firstoff, theoretically you don't even need a HU for a carputer, infact were it not for the fact that mine's got all sorts of fun crossover toys built-in that would be elsewise expensive to replicate, and spiffy digital sex line.. (digital coax input) I would've likely 86'd it. Thatsaid, midway down on page 2 of this thread has about as much detail about cutting out my ashtray/lighter as I managed to document... I was considering a couple of options, all of whihc got complicated really fast. If you wish to try to squeeze it underneath in that "Pocket" be ready for even more of a battle with your car and your conscience, because that requires cutting into dash supports.

For anyone who plays with frontends, I'm playing with roadrunner at the moment, and it seems sofar pretty decent. I know bryan just loves it, but it seems alright for me sofar. time will tell
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Katya4me said:
GL w/ your setup. I was using a 200 watt PSU w/ ITPS and it melted, so I bought an M1-ATX that should be going in this week. I won't have time to work on it till Thursday or later this week. But I'll let you know how it goes, and it is just 90 watts. My system only pulls about 50-60 watts and the amp isn't pulling from the power supply.

m1-atx sounds like a cool little psu. . i wish stuff like that was out when i built mine. . .no building of SDC and the sort
CRAZY WHITE BOY! lol jk looks really good, post pics of finish product!!! o yea and how much did you spend on all of this?
Who you callin white? I'm half yellow... That's Crazy ricecracker to you... *L*

Umm, money-wise it's kinda hard to say, there's a bit of nickel and dime stuff that adds up, and fortunately on the wiring side of things, I DO work at a stereoshop which helps out alot (digital sex lines can be spendy) And My Xenarc I got as a "shop demo" but, Everything else Is new, from either or All together, I'd say I'm into it for under a grand... be it by $30 or $300 I'm not entirely sure.
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d00d i dont even want to count how many dollars ive spent...its stupid how much...some people dump money into thier engine bays, i dump 2+ grand into a stupid carputer... (rofl)
AznXstazy said:
o yea and how much did you spend on all of this?

Seriously, you don't want to ask. :p You just end up spending way more than you initially planned on it, and then it goes downhill from there.
Katya4me said:
Seriously, you don't want to ask. :p You just end up spending way more than you initially planned on it, and then it goes downhill from there.

Just like modifying a car for peformance :) If say just a intake or exhaust, then you start getting more and more.

Know the HU isn't needed but as with your Posers mine also has goodies that I would like to keep if possible. Will take a look at those links :) thnx.
I'm going "head-less". I want a clean look, and think just a molded screen in dash would be best. For me at least. I finally got all my parts in the mail, and things are progressing pretty well. I just got my GPS software installed and working. I know exactly where my bedroom is now. I figure I'm a month or so away from actually installing the computer in my MP3. I want to make sure I have everything up and running before I worry about it in the car.

As for cost.....definatley leave some extra funds reserved for nickel and dime type of expenses. Total cost as of now is somewhere around $900.

Good Luck To All!
Kingvitamin is the man, and his car is going to be the shiznit. I might have to upgrade my car next........

Later dogg, pp