505 Intake Manifold COMPLETED!

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take all the time in the world. Hopefully by the time you finish it I'll be able to afford one.
well i know being lazy is frowned upon here but hey im lazy ne1 got the cliff's notes for this thing
Its going to be badd ass.
It going to be a Chunk of loot.
Had one revision.
Had another revision.
Its taking forever.
Its gonna be worth it.
Rich busticated his knee.
Its not done yet.
Still working on it.
by a chunk of cash do you mean greater than or less than $800 us dollars?...

btw rich i dont know you but i hope your knee gets better....
de pinga i hope the dude gets better that s*** is not fun. but back to the subject, saw the pics just now and that manifold is nasty i hope it ends up getting made.

its really funny that right when im about to sell the msp a bunch of cool reasonably priced s*** starts coming out for it.
No..Not really.
Sell that b**** and buy something you can really have fun with.
YAY!!!! was thinking of this today..

Rich any room for the 8 injectors in this new design that we talked about at the beginning?? (still maybe thinking of the 12 like originally planned)
theres going to be no extra injectors on the runners. ive allready talked to rich about it because i wanted it for my self and its not going to be a option. well you would do it your self but as far as rich or kelly doing it thats not gonna happen
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