Shuttin' it down...

yeah that's the Streetfighterz group in StL... I got to know a couple of them and from what I could tell (hung out about 3 months while one of their leaders dated a friend of mine) their leadership was insane for awhile and now have chilled quite a bit but love the rep they've built so they continue. question
insane... yes
amazing... unquestionably
how is it that those of us who drive cars get pulled over and ticketed for anything and these asshats do whatever they want? Get off the f**king public roads and go find a track...they should all lose their licenses...
how is it that those of us who drive cars get pulled over and ticketed for anything and these asshats do whatever they want? Get off the f**king public roads and go find a track...they should all lose their licenses...
they get the tickets too... sometimes. its a byproduct of the fact that an 03 GSXR1000 can do 0-60 in 2.5 seconds and 0-100 in 5.6s combined with the ability to turn off of a road and hide the bike in the bushes and walk away. no, I'm not advocating running from the police, etc but the reality is that many on bikes do and the cops give up because unless they have a reasonably coordinated effort, its going to be a long night.
why didn't they just buy unicycles and save all that cash??

stuntin is no worse than street racing posers in crapaliers
Dude W/E.....Stuntin'...Equals posin'....Puhlease.

There is skill involved can you even compare two things like that?

It goes together like lamb and tuna fish.....LOL!
Damn.. I hoping to see some dumb blonds fall of the back. :(

That's a cool video, however that should be done on a track or closed lot.

You won't see the front end of my bike coming up (on purpose)
The only thing cool about that video is the music they put with it. Nonpoint FTW!
Awesome video. I love stunting and its something I hope to get into soon, I have a couple of friends that are pretty good at it also, so the learning process should be faster then if i was alone.

As far as everyones comments...yea itwas dangerous, illegal, stupid, bla, bla, etc...But I know every single one of you have street raced at one time. and if you say you didnt you better not have one single performance mod, because i know if you on a forum 9.9 times out of 10 all of you have floored your car at one point.

So that just make you better then not really
"Flooring" it does not equate to street racing but that's another discussion entirely.
Awesome video. I love stunting and its something I hope to get into soon, I have a couple of friends that are pretty good at it also, so the learning process should be faster then if i was alone.

As far as everyones comments...yea itwas dangerous, illegal, stupid, bla, bla, etc...But I know every single one of you have street raced at one time. and if you say you didnt you better not have one single performance mod, because i know if you on a forum 9.9 times out of 10 all of you have floored your car at one point.

So that just make you better then not really

not a single performance mod on any of my cars and I've never street raced.

*throws stone*
no im talking never floored your car ever either. Even if you older, as a kid counts. All im trying to do is prove a point that everyone has done stupid stuff on the road.
I think there are levels of stupid. Flooring it in rush hour traffic = stupid. Flooring it at 1 a.m. with no one around = not as stupid.

Just b/c a car has mods doesn't mean you street race. My car has a mod on it. Does that automatically mean I street race?
great video.

i pitty the people that complain, whine and b**** about everything all their lives.
Awesome video. I love stunting and its something I hope to get into soon, I have a couple of friends that are pretty good at it also, so the learning process should be faster then if i was alone.

As far as everyones comments...yea itwas dangerous, illegal, stupid, bla, bla, etc...But I know every single one of you have street raced at one time. and if you say you didnt you better not have one single performance mod, because i know if you on a forum 9.9 times out of 10 all of you have floored your car at one point.

So that just make you better then not really

raced no... floored it you bet
that was cool, but dumb as hell! If one of those guys in the front bails, then he's taking atleast 10+ people down!

Messing with your life is OK, but messing with others is a big NO NO!

I don't want to sound like a dick or a "know it all". But I work in the motorcycle industry and i've known WAY to many people that have died on their bikes because of someone else on the road.

When I'm riding with people stunting I'm expecting them to go down. So I'm prepared to react for whatever happens.(staying back farther etc.) If your riding with people stunting and your not expecting or thinking ahead of what might happen, then your gonna be the one who takes everyone out when you bail not the person who wrecked to begin with.
Everyone knows the risk when you go out riding and you know the risks change with who your riding with (how aggressive they are or aren't).
Now if your stunting and you take out a car that's another situation where Yeah your a dumb ass! lol
In the end everyone knows the risks involved with a motorcycle in general. It doesn't matter how good of a rider you are or how long you have been riding your gonna go down at some point in time and you need to prepare for it. And it's the same with riding behind someone stunting they will go down at some point and you still have to be prepared for it. And if your not then it's your own fault.
And it's also some what the same if your in the car and they are riding. I know everyone gets a little bit nervous driving a car either in front or next to a rider. If you don't then you should be cause you should try and think ahead as to what their next move maybe. And if they are stunting then you should just try and stay as far away from then as possible just in case.
Now the stopping traffic and s*** like I would be pissed as hell if I needed to be somewhere also, or not in the very front to watch it all. I'm not saying that's right by any means either.
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And if they are stunting then you should just try and stay as far away from then as possible just in case.
Now that's just stupid. Their dumbasses shouldn't be doing that s*** on public roads, and if they get taken out, it's their own damn fault.

I've been riding for years, and can ride circles around 90% of basically all riders, but I don't go making an asshat out of myself on city streets, and pulling wheelies down the freeway. You have to know when and where, and all these assholes do is give sportbike riders a bad name.

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