Shuttin' it down...

seeing the fire department hose his blood off the street was enough for me..
This in itself is a pretty immature statement.

People..GEt over it...It is what it is ...

....and you people are bitchin' and moaning over things that are completely off topic now.

Typoical Mazda Forum BS.
lol nice vid could probably measure their iq with a yard stick. I laugh everytime i see some asshat riding a wheelie down the highway...but to each his own kinda like the tards dreeftin
He said: sir, judging is trying to guess the reasoning behind someone's actions



Making the letters bigger does not add clarity to ones posts (stooges)

It does however make them more noticable :)
Maybe you misunderstood me. What I meant by that is why would someone who could possibly be an inexperienced rider (by that I mean someone who is doing stunts in rush hour traffic on a busy busy road) put themselves in a awful situation? Watching someone hose another persons blood off the street was terrible. I dont understand why people act that way... Car or bike.

Heck yeah, it's hard to get off (ughdance).

PS: I left your grammar uncorrected.
Wow....I am not sure what to say. I don't want to contribute to the argument going on already so I will say only this. I ride a sportbike and I wouldn't do this stuff where or how they were doing it simply because I am concerned for my own safety.

Had I been in the resulting traffic jam, I might have turned into The Hulk due to the pure rage.

That being said, althought the stunts might be cool, there's a time and place for everything.