Shuttin' it down...

Now that's just stupid. Their dumbasses shouldn't be doing that s*** on public roads, and if they get taken out, it's their own damn fault.

I've been riding for years, and can ride circles around 90% of basically all riders, but I don't go making an asshat out of myself on city streets, and pulling wheelies down the freeway. You have to know when and where, and all these assholes do is give sportbike riders a bad name.

Yes, they do. Riding in underwear and flip flops if ludicrous as can be, sorry.
Now that's just stupid. Their dumbasses shouldn't be doing that s*** on public roads, and if they get taken out, it's their own damn fault.

I've been riding for years, and can ride circles around 90% of basically all riders, but I don't go making an asshat out of myself on city streets, and pulling wheelies down the freeway. You have to know when and where, and all these assholes do is give sportbike riders a bad name.

I wasn't agreeing with the ones who stunt on the highway or public roads. And I was saying that it would be their fault if they got taken out and that they know the risks of doing what they do. Maybe I didn't explain what I was saying well enough in the first post. But I don't feel like trying to explain it either really. lol
I wasn't agreeing with the ones who stunt on the highway or public roads. And I was saying that it would be their fault if they got taken out and that they know the risks of doing what they do. Maybe I didn't explain what I was saying well enough in the first post. But I don't feel like trying to explain it either really. lol

No worries.

I'm just not going to actively "stay away" from squids doing stupid s*** on the highway. I drive the highway everyday for my job, if some punk asses were riding in every single lane like that, someone would be gettin ran the eff over.
The point I was trying to make with the moving over and staying away thing was about those idiot drivers that basically are talking on the cell phone,no turn signal and running down just riders riding. As I reread what I had posted I noticed that I did forget to put that part in.
People are just idiots today! I don't know how many times I almost got killed just going to the store or some s***. And I don't even stunt!
Cell Phone use in Cars should be Outlawed unless its strictly For Campany use WHILE working.

Drivers who don't pay attention is getting out of control.
Too many distractions for drivers today.
wow, so after reading through this thread i realize that there are some PERFECT human beings in here!! i think that all you flamers should really check your driving because i guarantee at some point in time you do some dumb things...... running red light, speeding, cali stops, use tom tom while driving, eat while driving, make up while driving, sleeping while driving.... nobody is exempt from being a dumb ass from time to time... the only thing that is really wrong with what was happening was they were blocking a major highway.... the other thing is everybody in that group knows that riding behind stunters = extra care( we hope anyway :caution squids) save the flames and space on the thread for something more intresting.... if you want to preach go pick up a bible and pick a corner in your town. stop being so naive and judgemental.
oh and by the way wearing a helmet but not wearing leathers or other gear on a bike can still save your life in a motorcycle accident.....i am one of many living pieces of proof. i learned quickly though.
Im so glad that you assume that you know us all well enough to make such an assumption about us all :rolleyes:

I'd say this is a tad bit worse than "speeding"
wow, so after reading through this thread i realize that there are some PERFECT human beings in here!! i think that all you flamers should really check your driving because i guarantee at some point in time you do some dumb things...... running red light, speeding, cali stops, use tom tom while driving, eat while driving, make up while driving, sleeping while driving.... nobody is exempt from being a dumb ass from time to time... the only thing that is really wrong with what was happening was they were blocking a major highway.... the other thing is everybody in that group knows that riding behind stunters = extra care( we hope anyway :caution squids) save the flames and space on the thread for something more intresting.... if you want to preach go pick up a bible and pick a corner in your town. stop being so naive and judgemental.
Im so glad that you assume that you know us all well enough to make such an assumption about us all :rolleyes:

I'd say this is a tad bit worse than "speeding"

Thank you.

I drive everyday for my job, about 50k+ miles a year, and I can garauntee you I don't do any of those things he said except speeding.
Thank you.

I drive everyday for my job, about 50k+ miles a year, and I can garauntee you I don't do any of those things he said except speeding.

what i think is funny is how there can be different levels of illegal things to do while driving...... simple, unless you are a perfect law abiding driver don't criticize how illegal someone else is driving...exception being DUI

that's like saying doing 65 in a 45 is ok......but 66........oh no, OMG, that's TOO illegal!!!!!!!! (yupnope)
what i think is funny is how there can be different levels of illegal things to do while driving...... simple, unless you are a perfect law abiding driver don't criticize how illegal someone else is driving...exception being DUI

that's like saying doing 65 in a 45 is ok......but 66........oh no, OMG, that's TOO illegal!!!!!!!! (yupnope)

+1!!! I agree with you.
and your tirade wasn't judgemental?

pot... meet kettle. (potkettle

sir, judging is trying to guess the reasoning behind someone's actions, i wasn't guessing, i was simply reading what they were writing. the reasoning is quite clear in the writing.

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