You know you are driving a MS6 when...

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your used to driving a FWD car and over steer into oncoming traffic on the first snow of the year because your used to anticipating the slide.. when there is none.. LOVE IT.
u know ur driving an ms6:
....when you drive next to people who snap their neck looking at your car in shock as they hear the turbo working, and than your gone
....or when u spool up and speed right past tough guys in mustangs and camaros
...when an MS3 owner (JBarone) gets out from riding shotgun during an autocross run and says, "You never looked fast when I was watching. My insides hurt. I'm going to go lie down now."
when u call a tow truck company requesting a flat bed and tell them its because u have a mazdaspeed6 and they stilll show up with regular tow truck. then the guy ask me. u sure u have awd...
I'm pumped we're starting to get snow. You ready for it? :D

Ah, yes. I've been a forecast hawk lately and watching it daily to see if we have anything coming our way. I'm more excited to get the rest of my parts on soon (Cobb TIP and the test pipe) along with Jamie's shift plate.

If we ever get a good snow we should try to get some people out for some parking lot fun!
... when WRXs get on your tail and expect you to make room for them - a few seconds before they disappear in the rear-view mirror.

Happened to me on the way to work Friday and it still makes me smile.
....when everyone is complaining about the snow coming and you are the only one excited to drive in it (eekdance)
...when an MS3 owner (JBarone) gets out from riding shotgun during an autocross run and says, "You never looked fast when I was watching. My insides hurt. I'm going to go lie down now."

actually made me lol.

....when everyone is complaining about the snow coming and you are the only one excited to drive in it (eekdance)

for the past 10 years ive hated the snow, stupid shoveling the driveway. but last winter was the first i actually enjoyed a fresh snow. this year the only reason i want to see that stupid white stuff it to go awd drifting in some parking lots!!
Last winter I was in a whopping 140hp fwd malibu... add about 130 horses onto that with awd and I think drifting in the snow may be a bit different this year... hahaha.
my accord made about 87 whp. this is way way different.

when a regular v6 mazda6 owner claims for sure their car makes more power. and then backs it up with a "fo sho".

..your boss buys a 2010 camaro ss over everything else purely for the point to beat you at stock

...when you drop it down a couple of gears after the kid in the 350Z thinks he can pass you and you prove him wrong just as he looks over and mouths "WTF!!!!"

...when you say "bye bye" to all the ricers right when the turbo starts spooling

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