May 8th, Star Trek premiere @TBA theater

Work will definitly suck on fri. but I take every chance I can to hang with you guys

+1 to that. Gives me something to flippin do, and the few meets I've been to so far have been the most fun I've had in years. Who else is coming to see Sylar kill Kirk?
What: Star Trek midnight showing May 8th (that means we meet up at like 10-11pm on the 7th, folks)

Where: Pre-meet at Gameworks, then AMC Theater @ Streets of Woodfield

Current Attendees:

1. Fenrir - Joel
2. Blue-sun - David
3. Lord_Zath - Steve + Kelly
4. Anna-chan - Anna
5. Captain KRM P5 - Ken
7. iguanaboy - Pete (don'thurtmeifIgetthiswrongplz)
8. TheDoc - Justin
9. HawkBat - ?

You are correct sir! I'm still trying to learn everyones name still also
Count me as a maybe. I told myself that I refuse to watch anything related to Star Trek, but after seeing the preview for the new one, I might just watch this one.
Yes, thanks for telling us twice that you're not coming. We don't like you either.


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been seeing more preview on TV lately. . .this movie is gonna ******* rock my socks off. I just requested teh 9th off from work. Yah for 3 day weekends.