Hatchkitten's Protege5 Thread!


Yeah, different directions. Great build though, sorry for the giant dump that was recently taken on your car
yeahhhhhh Its cool, it is what it is and it'll get fixed. But it is ironic because you posted in my thread THAT MORNING about the intake. lol jussaying.
But there seems to be solutions within reach for everything. So that much is keeping me optimistic.

btw know anyone that's looking for a valve cover? lol I seriously need to make a FS thread...my dad had to build me my own shelf in the garage I've acquired so many spare parts and tools lol!
Np man. If I see one I'll give you the heads up.

Side note...put the power steering pump belt on like 10 minutes ago lol. Got a hold of some 12 point wrenches and voila! "Stripped bolt" is not an obstacle any more! :D day just got better. Now...to get it detailed so the exploding soda can remnants come out of my headliner and off my windows -__-
I'm saying marriage.

i just bout the same intake you two had...guess i'll keep an eye out for any damage.

thats a crazy stream of events. and you broke down in NJ not too far from me lol
Surprised the rings, fancy white dress, and bouquet didn't give it away. I got married about 2 years ago

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You gave me Good luck ! Was able to take my egr off!
Thats awesome! I'm really glad it helped you out!

I'm saying marriage.

i just bout the same intake you two had...guess i'll keep an eye out for any damage.

thats a crazy stream of events. and you broke down in NJ not too far from me lol
Could have really used you lol

Surprised the rings, fancy white dress, and bouquet didn't give it away. I got married about 2 years ago
wow...how old are you? I mean congrats, it's just that you guys look young :D I hope I have that much fun with my wedding as it looks like you two did.
Lol heyyy now! yeah used you! I was like a sad puppy. I was sooo pissed. Frustrated and freaked out. I had never broke down before. Even to say here shut up have a slurpee and lets figure this out lol. Every passing mazda was a possible friend and i was looking at the rear panels for our chapter stickers with no luck :( You should check out the NATOR NJ chapter if you're looking for a car club of good guys...I mean we're all retarted but thats another story lol.

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