Hey Mazdaspeedgirl

Mazdaspeedgirl said:
uhhh....why? you watching me?

*breaks out the Rockwell record*
*singing*Sometimes I feel like...somebody's watching meeeee*

I thought it was "I always feel like, somebody's waaaaatching me". Was that the only song Michael Jackson did back up vocals on? I was just listening to that song a little bit ago....Awesome 80's CD...
Actually, here's a typical day for me:

*Wake up at 6:30 with my hubby
*take care of the morning wood, when he's not too grouchy
*Make his lunch while he's in the shower
*feed the cats
*Get his work clothes situated on the bed for when he gets out of the shower
*help him remember all his things as he leaves, stealing as many smooches as i can
*take a shower
*look for jobs
*post ***** on mazdamp3.com an louisvillestreets.com
*do some laundry/household chores
*get dressed and run errands
*take my hubby a hot lunch
*finish errands if necessary
*go back home and post-***** some more
*play with my mini rc cars
*draw or whatnot
*look for jobs
*post-***** some more
*prepare dinner so that when greg gets home it is ready
*give him sensual MAssages to get him in the mood, then it's nookie time (fav part of the day)
*post-***** some more
*go to bed
InitialDMP5 said:

I thought it was "I always feel like, somebody's waaaaatching me". Was that the only song Michael Jackson did back up vocals on? I was just listening to that song a little bit ago....Awesome 80's CD...
yah, that's it...MJ RULES!!!
you guy better be scared now...MJ is the KING of pop
Wow, your hubby has it made!!

"*take care of the morning wood, when he's not too grouchy"

How can you be grouchy?????????
I had gathered that since you moved you weren't working.

Good luck finding a job! I would rather be working than not working, even if I could afford not to work.
Logan said:
Wow, your hubby has it made!!

"*take care of the morning wood, when he's not too grouchy"

How can you be grouchy?????????
lol--when he has to wake up with a hangover from too much partying! :D

he is prone to saying the "hunnie I'm too tired" thing...meh...
Hell ya, well at least he was. (note to self: play Thriller record when you get home...)

Diane looks like you have your days pretty well mapped out. I like that "sensual massage", reminds of Austin Powers.
Logan said:
I had gathered that since you moved you weren't working.

Good luck finding a job! I would rather be working than not working, even if I could afford not to work.
thanx! and tell me about it! [insert nutty face here]

I said nutty face (sssh)
InitialDMP5 said:
Hell ya, well at least he was. (note to self: play Thriller record when you get home...)

Diane looks like you have your days pretty well mapped out. I like that "sensual massage", reminds of Austin Powers.

that's exactly what it is! :D and it's a sensual MAAAssage...:D
if you make him lunch in the morning
what's with the hot lunch in the afternoon?
or is it more of a (hump) in teh afternoon?

what a lucky sob
he doesn't eat breakfast, and he works at LEAST 13 hours a day, so he requires two meals at work. My poor baby...today is one of his 16 hour days....:(
diane, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but please edit posts, dont double and triple post...thank you and have a nice day ;)
tmht said:
It's a cool name, just not a horibly common one.

There is a character in Revolutionary Girl Utena(one of my favs) name Akio. Which is why I asked.
Oh, I missed this post! :Dhee

Yah, i like weird Japanese names. :) My friend named her old blue miata Aiko and her silver miata Haiku. :)
derrick1623 said:
diane, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but please edit posts, dont double and triple post...thank you and have a nice day ;)

:D J/K I know, I've gotta get better at that...
Mazdaspeedgirl said:

:D J/K I know, I've gotta get better at that...

good idea, but start with THIS VERY POST, because you just did it again.
derrick1623 said:

good idea, but start with THIS VERY POST, because you just did it again.
whoa..how did I just do it again?:confused:

I responded to tmht (quoting him),. then to you, quoting you. Am I supposed to reply to everyones posts in one thread all in one for the entire day and then that's it?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

my two previous posts were separate thoughts aimed at separate people...

I mean, if you are trying to make an example of me, so be it. I said I would follow your rule and did, to the best of my knowledge on what you wanted and it still isn't good enough?

Is someone complaining and you're not telling me about it?

If I had really known it was such a problem in the off topic forum, I wouldn't have said anything else.

Have you made a public reprimand to others who post several times in a row or is it just me? I won't name names because it doesn't matter to me, but it only seems that this type of behavior has gone on in off topic and no one has ever said anything. Look at the Longest Thread. Should I stop posting there too? Or how about everywhere?

I think that outside the off topic forum I do have valid posts that are informative and make sense. I just....*sigh*...nevermind...

So if I quote someone, and want to quote someone else later, do I have to edit the 1st post where i quote one guy and then insert the new quote into the old post?

I have obviously had more than 1 question here and have edited tis post like 4 times. Now it just seems confusing and that you probably won't read it thoroughly because it is so long and has many different thoughts. This is why I was trying to keep my post content straight by replying to different people in the previous posts.:(

meh, nevermind. I am sorry for my annoyance adn I am gone...takin a walk...
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derrick1623 said:
diane, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but please edit posts, dont double and triple post...thank you and have a nice day ;)

You're a little late on this one. MSGirl has always had her own style and I don't think it's been a problem. I for one have always enjoyed her little stream of consciousness post whoring, and I don't think I'm alone. Com'on folks let's all stick up for her. DOWN with the man.:mad: :D :mad: :p :mad:

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