This guy hit my MS3 and ran away. >_<

Hikaru9 said:
I think you maybe onto something. I spoke to Ian from Progressive this morning. I repeated my testimony to him, so he could record it. Apparently he had already spoken to the witnesses before calling me since he knew their names and other details. I faxed him a copy of the police report, and I thought all was going well until he said... that they'll try to reach D. Donahue; however, if they can't hear his side of the story, Progressive might not pay me anything.

When I tried calling D. Donahue after that I got his voicemail right away which probably meant that the phone was turned off. I thought I'd try calling Mrs. Donahue in Ohio to see if she had a physical address for this guy. I appreciated how she was genuinely interested in my well-being. She told me that she might have a P.O. Box for Donny somewhere which she could attempt to locate if I gave her a few minutes. Interestingly she added (although I never asked) that, "Donny is the oldest, but he never acts his age. My other son, Alan, gets upset everytime we get pulled into whatever trouble Donny has caused."

I waited 10 minutes before calling her back. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to find the listing, but she was happy to share more of her family story: "when my husband was around, he used to take care of everything for Donny. He's spoiled; it's like he never grew up." I felt really badly for her because here was a 56 year old troublemaker running around in Virginia while his 82 year old mother in Ohio who was suffering from a degenerative disease, killing her eyesight, was having to deal with me. She seemed almost happy that she had someone to talk over the phone as she commented that I seemed like a nice person. I thanked her for her time and wished her for quick recovery.

I may hand the case over to my insurance after all, as I never imagined this to be such a headache. I mean... what more could they need? I have my banged up brand new car, eyewitnesses who are willing to testify, a police report, and even this guy's own family has no doubt about it. To say this whole experience has been frustrating would be quite an understatement. Paying $1,000+ isn't such a big deal to me(it's only money), but I am having a difficulty comprehending this guy's thought process, let alone the lukewarm cooperation of the insurance company in such a clear-cut case.

I'll just leave it up to God because I have no time to worry about this nonsense, and I have yet another wedding in three days (my friends). What's up with everyone getting married nowadays? *^_^*

Wow...this is just incredible. You have all this info, witnesses, a banged-up ride, proof, and STILL the cops don't want to help. Even the family knows this guy has serious issues and you can keep a cool head. If this was me about 10 years ago I might have caught a case, but, just like you said, "just leave it up to GOD"...I like the way you handled it. Believe me you'll get some good out of all this nonsense.(yes)
Youngstown Tune up. Nuff said. He lives in the right area...
Here is another bad accident story that happened to someone at my work.

He was hit from the side somewhere downtown by someone and he ended up chasing the car on foot. Luck for him Atlanta has hella traffic so it was easier to catch him on foot. The entire back door was smashed and wouldn't open and the front door was pretty banged up. A few thousand in damages.

The police came and he filed a report. He found out that the driver was not the owner of the car. It was his sister's or cousin's car. Her insurance company considered it a stolen vehicle and would not pay a penny for the repairs.

It is not always the police that f*ck you, sometimes it is the insurance company (pissed)
Dude that sucks.. I have a similar story when I had my MP3. I was driving down busy street in my town. They were doing road work and there was a strip of asphalt taken out of the street(a reverse speed bump if you will). So allof the cars were slowing down as they were going over it, me doing the same thing. All of a sudden I look at the rear view mirror and I see this guy in a white vw passat coming towards me fast. I thought to myself that this guy wasnt going to stop so I took my hands off the wheel and waited for the impact. I couldnt move ahead cause of the extremely large 70's style caddy infront of me so I was basicly screwed. The guy blasted me, backed up and took off. Right after: I did the same thing and caught up to him 3-4 blocks later and cut him off. I jumped out and was going to kill this guy. It took every ounce of energy to hold back. He says that he freaked out after he hit me and thats why he ran. This guys is in his 40's,married with kids in his wifes car. Only a 3 inch scratch in his passat, and on mine:broken tail light, smashed trunk,bumper,lower skirt,quarter damage, etc. I MADE him tell the cops that it was his fault completely and that he ran from the scene. His insurance paid 100% of the damages and my rental for 2 weeks.

Strong ass German cars!!! I would fight what happened to you. Or atleast find this guy and set his P5 on fire or something. Why should you a hard working guy who was following the rules of the road get screwed like that. Its assholes like this(P5 guy) the reason insurance rates are so high. I would beat the piss out of him and then some.. :bs:

Fight it man... Sorry about the new MSP 3 (pissed)

check out my hot ride


Progressive (Ohio man's insurance) hooked me up with Enterprise, so I rolled around in this Malibu for three days. -_-;; It drove like a floating mattress on wheels, but at least it had power windows & locks, keyless entry, ABS, TCS, CD player and V6 power that the Cobalt (rental Fairfax Mazda gave me last time) did not have.

Oh yeah! Progressive finally got in touch with the guy, who admitted his fault, and after three days of repair work by D&V autobody in Chantilly, my MS3 finally returned to me this morning. I missed it so much that instead of driving my government vehicle, I drove it around all day for work today. Of course, my gas tank was fully depleted by the mid-day, so it cost me nearly $40 to fill it up again.

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words during all this, and I especially appreciate those whose support basically made me decide to take action to correct the unjust situation which seemed hopeless to me at times. You guys rock! God bless everyone! (cabpatch)
Hikaru9 said:

Progressive (Ohio man's insurance) hooked me up with Enterprise, so I rolled around in this Malibu for three days. -_-;; It drove like a floating mattress on wheels, but at least it had power windows & locks, keyless entry, ABS, TCS, CD player and V6 power that the Cobalt (rental Fairfax Mazda gave me last time) did not have.

Oh yeah! Progressive finally got in touch with the guy, who admitted his fault, and after three days of repair work by D&V autobody in Chantilly, my MS3 finally returned to me this morning. I missed it so much that instead of driving my government vehicle, I drove it around all day for work today. Of course, my gas tank was fully depleted by the mid-day, so it cost me nearly $40 to fill it up again.

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words during all this, and I especially appreciate those whose support basically made me decide to take action to correct the unjust situation which seemed hopeless to me at times. You guys rock! God bless everyone! (cabpatch)
badass man...i jsut got in a accident 2 days ago...some guy hit me and didnt have insurance but i called the cops and my insurance is gona inspect the car and i take it for repairs..then they gona get in contact with this guy....good thing everything worked out for you man...(band2)