South Florida Caravan to Mazda Palooza


2007 speed 6
Anyone want's to Caravan with James (jam_asian) and myself (Reyan) is welcome. We are meeting at th Pompano Beach Service Station on the turnpike at 7:45 am, we will be leaving there around 8:15am, heading north to the west palm beach service station on the turnpike, should get there about 8:45 - 9:00 am, we will be leaving west palm around 9:15 am. Anyone interested can contact me at 954-649-3536. We will be getting of the turnpike in Port St. Lucie onto 95 to save some toll money.
Anyone want's to Caravan with James (jam_asian) and myself (Reyan) is welcome. We are meeting at th Pompano Beach Service Station on the turnpike at 7:45 am, we will be leaving there around 8:15am, heading north to the west palm beach service station on the turnpike, should get there about 8:45 - 9:00 am, we will be leaving west palm around 9:15 am. Anyone interested can contact me at 954-649-3536. We will be getting of the turnpike in Port St. Lucie onto 95 to save some toll money.

yea man im down i'll let the west palm speeds know when is it again?
dammnnn where da hell have i been.... this suckss... got midterms next week but im gettin super tempted! who else is goin from the SouthFLa group?
alot of people is going, some people have already driven up already, there's gonna people from all over the state there.
south of Sonoco after the turnpike toll booth next to the denny's (on the left) on a wed. night..........which is tonight.
s*** i would be down for that... still need my liscence back though. should be back soon i have my lawyer working on it.

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