So listen to THIS!!!!!!


Mazdaspeed6 GT
Remember about a month or soo ago I posted a thread showing off my brand new auto exe replica grill I just installed???? Well tonight on my way to my buddys super bowl party I was flying down the high way when something flew past my car. I remember thinking: that would totally suck if that was a piece of my car that just flew by me.

Got to the party forgot all about, after watching the Giants win, I decided to call it a night and get home, ( gotta wake up at 6:00am for work) as I approached my car I noticed my grill was gone, I automatically assumed someone stole it, then I saw that the pieces you screw in the bumper were still attached. I AM SOOOOO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got that freaking thing and already gone 

Well back to stock I guess
Damn, that sux. did you go back to where it flew off and see if its there/salvagable?
BAHAHAHAHHA DUDE MS6MIKE put it on like a week ago and the same happened to him!!!!!

if it has happened to 2 people i think someone better let the manufacturer know they are breaking.
BAHAHAHAHHA DUDE MS6MIKE put it on like a week ago and the same happened to him!!!!!


lol are you serious !

thats too funny, he prob bought it from Nextmod like me! i sent them an email giving them Sh!t for such a crappy product, and no answer. Even before it flew off my car, the bottom part kept coming up from air getting under it, every time i got any where id have to pop it back into place.... it did really look good on my car though ;(
Yeah, it wasnt a mistake, that product is definately s***. Mike almost got killed trying to swerve his own bad piece of the car the moment if flew off lol
Ive heard people complain about those things on other forums too. Hopefully people stop buying them tell there fixed.
it was fiberglass, but i think the problem was that there werent enough layers. it was too thin, and to be honest it was not a cheap mod, it cost me like 150$ + shipping, plus paint... im still cant believe it flew off, what a waist of money!
That would be nice if they replaced it for u... Doubtful but would be nice. Especially cause people will be scared to buy there product now.
Id like to buy one, get a sheet of CF and wrap it, then get it cleared. Prolly be cheaper than buying a CF one.
the guy wrote me back. he said he'd replace it and i'd only have to pay 75$, he says its his "dead price" plus free shipping. i still dont think its a good deal, the price alone to paint it is another $150... i still think i should get a replacement. i mean G-d forbid i was driving and the thing flew into someones windshield it could deff cause and accident!

That would be nice if they replaced it for u... Doubtful but would be nice. Especially cause people will be scared to buy there product now.
I did that already, i guess it didnt really faze him, cus he still wouldnt budge. I told him that i try to use my moderator powers to worn the public about him crap product... lets see what he sais next.
the guy wrote me back. he said he'd replace it and i'd only have to pay 75$, he says its his "dead price" plus free shipping. i still dont think its a good deal, the price alone to paint it is another $150... i still think i should get a replacement. i mean G-d forbid i was driving and the thing flew into someones windshield it could deff cause and accident!

You handy with fiberglass? I wouldn't just slap another one on if its gunna do the same thing. CF material is cheap on Fleabay. Prolly get it cleared fo 80$. Better than the hundres they want for a real CF one.
You handy with fiberglass? I wouldn't just slap another one on if its gunna do the same thing. CF material is cheap on Fleabay. Prolly get it cleared fo 80$. Better than the hundres they want for a real CF one.

no clue how to use CF i wish i knew though, id make everything out of it! heheh
I have no experience with it. I have dabbled a lil in fiberglass. Id imagine its just like a really tight nit sheet of FG. I'd love to give it a try. Def, have to get some high quality resin tho.