Open Wastegate $2500 fine - Florida


225 whp @ 8psi
2002 p5 (MSP Powered)
Does anybody know about this fine in Florida ? Well guess what, it is the new law. Anyone running a open WG Beware. The cops can pull you over and check your car. Plus you have to give up the shop that did the install. So all who have done this car have fun !!!
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Its not the police, it has to do with the exhaust gases not going through the cat. Plus it is a nice way of collecting extra money for the state.
if the cops arent ceritfied techs they shouldnt have the right to check that... its like deq looking under your hood
There is a modification to this . It a $250 fine to the owner of the car.The shop gets fined up to $2500 per car. Plus if you are running with out a cat the fine now goes up to $3500 per car. The state is now sending out investigators to shops and checking. This clause has been on the books for sometime. That is for the first offence. If gets worse, the shop can be closed down and be fined a very hefty fine.
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if the cops arent ceritfied techs they shouldnt have the right to check that... its like deq looking under your hood

seriously. if i overbore my engine doesnt that mess with emissions? what are they gonna do take my engine apart and check it?
seriously. if i overbore my engine doesnt that mess with emissions? what are they gonna do take my engine apart and check it?

WTF does rebuilding your engine with an overbore has to do with an open wastegate......? A wastegate that dumps into the air is just like running with no cats... highly illegal and it bypasses emissions. Not to mention extremely loud thus the name screamer pipes.
how do they even check if the wga is open?

if your internal wastegate then you dont haveta worry bout that cuz itll dump into the exhaust.. only external wastegates can have an open dump.. thank god i don't live in florida i'd be lookin at fines out the mufuckin ass.... and since a shop didn't do it n i did i wud get all the fines how lame lol
if your internal wastegate then you dont haveta worry bout that cuz itll dump into the exhaust.. only external wastegates can have an open dump.. thank god i don't live in florida i'd be lookin at fines out the mufuckin ass.... and since a shop didn't do it n i did i wud get all the fines how lame lol

Maybe only true with msps because of our aftermarket support, but the DSM guys have O2 housings(equivalent to the MSP S-Pipe), that have a separate tube for the internal waste gate to vent to atmosphere. Two of the guys around here with DSMs run these, I personally think its retarded anyways. Nothing like making your car seem like it has a huge exhaust leak at peak boost. (commissions earned)
I don't think there are many protege's running open wastegate's anyway.

Maybe Evo's and car's of that status.

But whenever I drive by a cop I make sure to blow off next to them, maybe they'll pull me over one day soon. I love to see them try and check my wastegate and burn their hand or arm or somethin.
does Fl not have noise regulations?
my s*** was way too loud when i was open WG... to the point where i felt i should have been fined for disturbing the peace. haha