Kooldino is out of control

Captain KRM P5

2002 BJFW, 2007 BK3P, 1979 SA22C, 2005 BK3P
I dont appreciate him hacking the internets and being such a hardass mod. As your new admin, I vow to ban him.
dude thats it, last friggin warning. consider yourself banned.

this goes out as a warning to all you, its a new world order sucka'
LinuxRacr said:
WTF is going on eh'?

Patrick, good to see you are on board. With Dana out of the way you and I can start to clean things up for real around here.
Lord_Zath said:
Damn Ken what caused all this? Dana hasn't been acting like a jerk... or has he?


its a long story but i am sure things will be fine with that louse gone for good
Kooldino: "What happen?"
Ken: "I just sent you up the BAN!"
Lord_Zath: "We get signal"
Kooldino: "What! Main screen turn on! It's you!"
Antoine: "How are you, gentlemen? All your boards are belong to me. You are on the way to destruction."
Kooldino: "What you say!"
Antoine: "You are banned. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha!"

he drives a neon green, electrifying pink SEGWAY. with supporing mods, it can hit 20mph (thumb)