Here's An Idea For Someone


2015 CX-5 Touring, FWD, Born: October 2014 Moon/BOSE
Just a small issue that kinda bugs me. I am so used to driving with my right arm on an armrest or console while my hand is on the lower right steering wheel. This is just very comfortable for me - especially on long drives. I was disappointed that my 2015 CX-5 did not allow me to do this. Even with the seat pulled all the way forward and the steering wheel extended, it still can't be done. (BTW - I'm a 5' 6" gal) I was really irked to see that the 2016 model had reconfigured the console lid that partially extends over where the parking break lever was. I'm wondering if one could be made to retro-fit a lid that would replace the existing lid. It would come out like the new one - but have a hollowed out area underneath the extension that would sit over the parking break lever. Maybe the end of PB lever could stick out a bit in case you needed to use it in an emergency. In the grand scheme of things, this is certainly no big deal - but maybe someone out there could come up with something and I'll see it on Amazon - or am I alone on this issue. (boom02)
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On my ex 08' VW Rabbit, I had a nice arm rest, which it was adjustable in two ways. Front and back and had, some positions up and down as well.
I was thinking about picking one up and see, if it's doable.
It's not a priority for me right now, though.
On my ex 08' VW Rabbit, I had a nice arm rest, which it was adjustable in two ways. Front and back and had, some positions up and down as well.
I was thinking about picking one up and see, if it's doable.
It's not a priority for me right now, though.
Hey thanks! Where did you get the one for your VW? Give an update if or when you are ready to see if it can be used in the CX-5. Thanks again!
Not a bad idea, but I'm thinking about, replacing the factory one, with a VW one.