exploding mustang haiku


MSP 2003.5
Haiku Rant: Your exploding car, My melted tail-light

Reply to: anon-34352348@craigslist.org
Date: Mon Jun 21 13:27:20 2004

Parked out in the shade
Away from the other cars
My Passat wagon

Deaf puppy in back
Napping away peacefully
As I went shopping

Cries from Old Navy
"Smoke, smoke!" I didn't hear them
But my friend sure did

As she ran outside
You stopped your car behind mine
Everyone jumped out

6 freakin' people
Like clowns in a Volkswagen
Packed in your Mustang

5 feet off my back bumper
Smoking like crazy

Your exploding car
Engulfed in flame, how it burns!
Goodbye, fuzzy dice

The puppy looks out
She cannot hear the sirens
She just sees the flames

A witness panics
As my friend runs like crazy
To get the dog out

She reaches inside
The window, cracked just enough
The puppy is safe

Your car burns like hell
Explosive shrapnel, fire hose
Firemen chop away

Their axes help not
Your car burns to frame and ash
There is nothing left

My melted tail-light
Some dings and nicks from shrapnel
It could have been worse

But then, you question
"How do we know that's from us?"
You get defensive

The car's 6 months old
No, I didn't have that ding
Or the window crack

And last time I checked
Passat tail-lights don't just melt
Of their own accord

Talk to Triple A
Oh, you don't have insurance?
Of course not! That's great

Your flame-throwing car
Could have burned up the puppy
You don't seem to care

Note to self, genius:
Pull to the side of the road
When your car's on fire

Crowded parking lots
Are no place to bring a car
To let it burn up

I'm very grateful
For "Uninsured Motorist"
I guess I'll need it

Well, on the plus side
I got some Old Navy deals
Love those cargo shorts
Inspired. What assholes though! Yeah, I'm sure the taillight was just melting in sympathy. :rolleyes:

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