Engine Noises?


Mazda Speed3
Has anyone heard a ticking sound and a humming sound when the hood is open and the key is set to the on position? the ticking sounds like its around the battery area and the humming sounds like its coming from the engine/fan area. if this is normal plz tell me so i dont have to worry about it.
most of the engine noise i get is from the rear of the engine closest to the fire wall. sounds like ppssssssshhh then when i swtich gears it starts low and gets faster, sounds like wind or something sucking i dont know what is it.
There are several noises right after I shut it off -- one sounds like a pump running, then several clicks and a sound like a valve moving. I suspect this is all to help cool the turbo (I have a fan I put on top of the motor for a while to help this process).
most of the engine noise i get is from the rear of the engine closest to the fire wall. sounds like ppssssssshhh then when i swtich gears it starts low and gets faster, sounds like wind or something sucking i dont know what is it.
Sure hope you're just pulling his leg.
There are several noises right after I shut it off -- one sounds like a pump running, then several clicks and a sound like a valve moving. I suspect this is all to help cool the turbo (I have a fan I put on top of the motor for a while to help this process).

my friend's telling me that's the auxiliary cooling timer we have. is this true?
Is this noise when the key is in "on" position but the car is running, or is it when you're about to turn on the car or shut it off??

If the car is off, and you've put the key in on position, it's probably the fuel pump/other electrics starting up, in preparation for ignition.

If it's once the car shuts down, it could be the fan. Do you feel any warm air coming from the car? It's perfectly normal for this car to do this once it shuts down. VeeDubs also do this, tough with a bit more noise.
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