Do your own Window tints


Mazda Protege 5
Has anyone done their own window tints. Right now I have a kinda purpleish tint on mine but I want black. Im gonna go to walmart and pick up one or 2 rolls of the tint and the other equiment. I heard it was a hard job, is that true or will I be able to manage.
tinting windows is a pain in the ass, but it's a lot easier to tint them if you take the whole window out and lay it on a table or something flat.
I've done my own windows before, but I'd suggest just paying to have it done. You need to know how to use a heat gun to shape the tint so that it matches the contour of the window and you need a dust-free work area with absolutely no wind. It's not extremely difficult, but if you don't want to regret it, just pay to have it done with a high-quality tint. If you've never done it before, you will get air bubbles.
If you do it yourself, the sides may turn out okay but the rear window in a PITA and will look horrible unless you know how to use a heat gun, as someone else suggested. The tint will not lay down correctly otherwise.
I've done my own tint jobs. First one was on the B car, so I didn't care that it came out like ass. 2nd car, I got laser cut, and it's ok, but still not perfect. but much better than my first attempt. My next tint job will probably be done by a professional.
One more. It is the best $200 i ever spent.

I have sworn to NEVER frikkin' try to do that on my own again.
I've done it once on my cousins car, and from that experience alone I will never do my own tints. Pay for some one to do it right the first time.
That clinches it for me! No ebay pre-cuts for me. It costs more out here tho...closer to $300
I tried and failed with the rear window. Spent 2 hours trying to get the air and seams out. Leave it to the pros.
Silver on silver?

Just wondering if anyone has had a silver tint done on a silver car. I'm not so much worried about a dark tint, I just want good outward visibility for night and an effective light reflection quality for day. Plus I think it would look pretty sweet, too. Also, has anybody done a silver tint on tail/marker lights?
JCell said:
i paid 115 for mine all around and the front stripe

I hate you. j/k, just jealous...

U live in FL. Your dollar goes further there.
I could buy a house there twice the size of the one I own here.
i doubt it, if you really want to get bang for your buck alabama is where it's at

huge houses for half the price here :(