Dealer wants to buy back my '13 cx-5 and put me into a '16.5...Thoughts?

Ok, so the vast majority has said keep the '13 for the financial gain. To maybe alter the discussion a tad...has anyone made the jump from the '13 to the '16/'16.5...are there any improvements other than larger motor/horsepower and sport mode? I have no proof or have read anything officially but it would seem that the 2.5L's get less mpgs....

On the test drive the only noticeable difference, again other than the higher rpms in sport and horsepower, was the hill decent assist. Has anyone else noticed or know of any reasons why the '16/'16.5 would be a better vehicle?

I don't think the changes justifies buying a new CX-5. I would keep your CX-5 and splurge on a vacation.