Condolences to Vienna wreck victims

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Matthew, wherever you are, I hear what you're saying man. But this kid is 16 years old, so he probably didnt know the consequences for his actions. I know I wasnt even aware of what could happen to me until I got arrested for going 122. It was a learning experience for me and I havent broken 80 since then. But this kids learning experience came too late for him to learn from it.

Anyway, this letter is for his parents, cause they are going through the worst kind of personal hell you can imagine right now.
you know, i'm not trying to pee on anyone's parade here.
but has anyone considered this family just lost a son to a car crash in a car he thought was cool, and was racing it?
and ya'll are going to turn around, as enthusiasts of the instrument that killed him, and send condolences?

it's like a stabbing victim's family getting a condolences letter from Ginsu. WTF
cablemirc said:
you know, i'm not trying to pee on anyone's parade here.
but has anyone considered this family just lost a son to a car crash in a car he thought was cool, and was racing it?
and ya'll are going to turn around, as enthusiasts of the instrument that killed him, and send condolences?

it's like a stabbing victim's family getting a condolences letter from Ginsu. WTF
Dont worry, the letter t3ase and I wrote is quite the opposite. We had this in mind when writting it.
and i think everyones screen name with there real names would have been better then just names.
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