Condolences to Vienna wreck victims

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Clay H. (TX) Mindy (TX) Ahmad (TX)
Jeff (FL) Craig (NH) Corwin (FL)
Marc (MD) Bryan (IL) Patrick (TX)
Matt (IL) Jen (NY) Jack (QC)
Bryan (MI) Nate (CA) Kyle (VA)
Justin B. (NC) Michael (FL) Justin H. (LA)
Mark (MA) Justin F. (NJ) Santiago S (VA)
Nate P. (MD) Shane K. (LA) Andre (NB)
Amy (KY) Tyler (VA) Patrick (MI)
Francesco (NY) Chris (FL) Ryan (OK)
Eric (MI) Ben (MI) Andrea (MI)
Luke M. (GA) Johnny R. (NV) Jordan S. (AZ)
Richard M. (NC) Albert F. (CA) Steven C. (NJ)
Pete R. (NJ) Dan J. (FL) Paul (IL)
Jean (AB) Brandy (NC) Eddie (CA)
Krie (NB) Dino L. (NJ) Anthony (CA)
Eddie H. (NH) Chris (CA) Jeremy (MA)
Glen (AB) Moeed (TX) Mike (IL)
Cindy (PA) Shana K. (MD) Matt W. (WI)
Ariana (IL) Adrian (TX) Kurt (FL)
Justin G. (KY) Seth (PA) Alex (CA)
Tom (CA) Kyle H (CT) Sean J. (ID)
Brandon G. (NE) Joe (AB) Miguel (NC)
Christine R. (NC) Chris H. (MA) Drew (TX)
Daniel (TX) Brian (TX) Crystal (TX)
Nathan (OH) Sam (TX) Miller (AL)
Chris (GA) Stephen (TX) Sway (TX)
Mike (ON) Brad (GA) Jimmy (CA)
Chris (NJ) Carlos (NC) Jonathan (NC)
Eric (CA) Gary (NJ) Brian (VA)
Corey (IL) Jake (ON) Darryl (TX)
Todd (CA) Chris W (CA) Jon Jon (NV)
Stephen K. (SC) Richard (VA) Justin B. (CT)
Ken (IL) Rob (WI) Chris L. (IL)
Brook (DC)
Steve S (FL) Victor (CA)
Ryiad (TX)Dominic L (Quebec, Canada)
Joe M. (QC)
Rob M. (WA)
Mike P. (QC)
Chris & Jami (GA)
Jose W. (WI)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
While I think this effort is from the heart my reasoning for signing this letter is not. Please remove my name, Shana K (MD), from the list. I feel sorry for his family and friends but because I participate in the same kinds of activities I feel it hypocritical to sign this. Good luck and I hope this letter consoles the family as it is intended.
Please remove my name from the list

Doug S. (CT)

I just don't want to be involved in case this exact letter is sent. I want to wait for a second draft that is more concise.
did you read the letter, lisa?

some don't agree with the wording
If your name is not yet on the list, email elemental or t3ase.

This thread has been closed because immature people have interjected opinions that are not only uncalled for, but extremely hurtful to friends and family that are dealing with a devastating loss.

Disclosure: this thread has not been closed by some nazi mods, the originator of the thread considered deleting the thread but chose not to do so because of the information held within. It was the originators request to close the thread. Please direct all complaints and references to nazi mods/admins to someone that cares or at least save it for the times that I make stupid and uncalled for decisions.
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