Atlantic City Hooter's meet 8/19

Kooldino said:
What would you guys think of a post-hooters scavenger hunt? I've organized a few in the past in they were always a BLAST.
dibs on shotgun in Dana's car!
Damn you bastards for goin' and having fun without me .. We BETTER organize something for September, cause I haven't been to a single friggin' meet yet this summer and it's getting on my nerves!

.. On a better note, if we do get something together for Sept, I should have my Unichip by then. And then my MSP won't be such a loser anymore. :D

i say Rush shows up in A.C. and they fight to the death
"Bloodsport" in effect
hardcore (jacked)!!!

Cindy, i wanna race you when my bewst will be in. (soon (shocked) )
jestermsp said:
im not 21 yet is it gunna be worth my while to go?
KD is lame and doesn't drink, so you won't be the only one who's alcohol-less.

Again, too bad I'm not going. The puny 100 pound blonde chick could prolly drink half you bastards under the table. :p
Aight so what the hell is this?!!?!? Cindy isn't going now?