Anyone in Houston want to make $200?

wow...good call. only...make sure if you do send money to anyone that you have the camera in your hands. dont make same mistake twice.

No chance of that happening. I think my reputation here is pretty solid that I will deliver the reward after I receive the camera or MO back.
I called the Houston PD and they said that I have to get MY local PD involved first and then they follow. That shouldn't be too hard as I do have a friend who is a detective involved in the financial division. We'll see how it goes. I am still honoring the $200 reward so don't give up! This police investigation may take weeks and I just might have to take her to small claims court or something.
That link was to a listing saying what you've said about the $200 reward to get your camera. I'm sure she or someone else flagged it and it was gone kinda quick....
Duane i called her and told her if can pick the camera and she told me that she wase out of town and that i wase asking to many question .so i asked when will she be back and she said that she wase on the phone with somebody more important than me and hung up the phone on me
well she called me back and she wasent to happy so basically she said that no money and no camer.becouse she said that you filed a stolen mo .this girl is ruff watch out she made me laugh when she said that her mom told to always come up on top and that she was going to be the one that comes up on top of this one . all in all i dont think anybody is going to get the $200
Wow, that's interesting. I haven't filed a stolen MO yet... I just now called and left a message (after I read your post) on her phone saying that I am going to open a police report so we'll see.
Wow, that's interesting. I haven't filed a stolen MO yet... I just now called and left a message (after I read your post) on her phone saying that I am going to open a police report so we'll see.

well good luck i hop this doesnt put us houston peeps in bad stat of mind becouse she said that she is from NY and NY people dont take to kind of threats becouse she know people that can get things done lol
Sounds like you got yourself mixed up with a real ****. It's unfortunate that there are people out there like that.

I sent her a bunch of messages on her myspace. I hope it all works out for you. I'll keep pestering her too.:p
Thanks for tryin fellas, I appreciate it. It's too bad she wants to go down this road, but I am gonna make good on my threats... I am passing the info off to a police detective tomorrow; he's a friend of the family's...
Wut up Serg!! I hope everything works out and you get the camera or your money back. Being burnt sux bad.
if u still need help i might be able to lend a hard. Im from houston and know where about that address is going to make some calls and see what i can do about getting some people together and see what i can find out. pm me and let me know if u still need the help
Well, I am just waiting on the postal service report on the money order so that I can show my police department that she cashed it. My family knows one of the detectives and he said he can help push it along to the Houston PD. She obviously isn't going to cooperate with anyone outside law enforcement but I appreciate the help. :)
Hmm... that's right across the street from my oral surgeon. Too bad I'm a white girl with no karate skills... some b**** like that would probably pull a knife on me.

I'm not sure if that's her personal address - those are decent apartments and it sounds like she wouldn't be able to afford those - unless she stole the apt too.
hey man im going down that way tonight... do you have an apt. number? ill check it out for ya.

edit: just found some other interesting stuff out. shes a soccer player (possibly) at texas southern university? is she young enough to be this chick? i cant believe that many people have a name like leyola oaken.....

for realz.
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She was very nice to talk to on the phone so I don't know why she is damning herself by stealing my money...She probably won't do anything now because I threatened to report the money order stolen (which I NOW have done, and I opened the police report yesterday after I received proof from the usps that she cashed it). My next step is to send all the info to the Houston pd and see what they can do...hopefully you guys have a nice police force and will at least make a visit.
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