Anyone in Houston want to make $200?

I can't say it any better than Stewie from Family Guy when it comes to amateur women photographers:

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start spammin up her page leavin comments and crap like that. tell her you want your money and you have people in the area your gonna send to get the money. you have enough people start messin with her "business" page im sure shes gonna get irritated having to clean it up all the time...or gonna have to go private with it. kinda hard to have a business page on myspace when its private and people cant look at it.

I'm taking her number off the thread, even though she first posted it on
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I have an idea for someone who wants to call her. Leave a message saying that you'd like to talk about her "wedding shoot" prices and when she calls you back, just say that you were emailed from a guy that said she had taken $520 for a camera and never shipped it and that you don't want to do business with her until she clears that up. Her number is 832-896-8015.

Stewie is my favorite cartoon character ever!

whats your name?
There has to be someone that you can report her to!

You have her physical address, myspace address and cell phone number!

If you still have the receipt showing that you sent it to her address... then it should be solid.

There's gotta be some organization that you can report her azz to. Internet fraud.. something..

I would keep trying if I was you, thats allot of money invested in nothing!

Fight back bro..!
I am gonna report her to a postal inspector but we'll see if it goes anywhere.
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Has anyone tried? If not, I would suggest going early in the morning as most people are willing to open their doors in the mornings.
Damn..All you TX guys must be big pussies..go help this dude out..Knock on this chicks door....I am sure she will not be expecting a one on one for something she thought she sold to someone states away..She might not know what to do and just get the camera for you.
Damn..If I lived there ,I would have already been to her house.
Yeah, cmon guys! Pretty pleeez. I originally wanted to get the camera as a birthday present for my wife.
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not too many of us live in that direction. houston is friggin ginormous. my ex lives 70 miles away and we both live in "houston"
Man first off if you have her E-mail address. SPAM the s*** out of it. Go to sites and sign up for random s*** with that address. Also sign her up for Sample Mag's or something and use the name.

"Gimme Mi Camera"

I know some people in Texas, I'll see how close they are if you like. Also get her local Police number and call them, also call yours. Contact the people you used to get the money order and see if you can do anything that way.
I just sent here about 10 messages on myspace.... maybe everyone else will and she might get the point accrossed.
wow...good call. only...make sure if you do send money to anyone that you have the camera in your hands. dont make same mistake twice.
Well I can't help you too much from up here by I can give her some grief online...I'll write up a little spammer tool to give her a little hell.

Hope you get your camera, I really hate it when s*** like this happens

Good Luck