Anyone have clearcoat failure on their Protege 5 (yellow)?

Looks great! So you washed it and used the compound... did you apply any wax after that?
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I washed it then parked in the cool grass and did the compound over the whole thing. The compound buffs off like wax so you don't need to re wash it. It says to use the new "tech 2" or something like that wax but I used their base line paste cleaner wax. A week later I washed it again and gave it another coat of wax. Now it shines better than the pictures. I'm going to wax it once a month from now on. Since doing this it takes no time at all to wash and wax since the water just beads up and runs off.
that looks wicked man!! i just got a protege 3 days ago at a mazda dealership where they fixed some rust damage and in the process repainted my hatch and rear right panel. its so new and shiny it looks terrible compared to areas that have faded such as my rear bumper. i've been stressing over a solution to this every day i've had the thing. thanks for showing me that theres such a great fix out there.
i had the same problem. the clear peeled on my spoiler, my bumper is super faded not matter how much i wax it and my mirros to. i ended up using rattle can gloss black on my spoiler and mirrors. that or you could go buy carbon fiber tape and make it look carbon fiber. HKPro5 did it and it looks dope
Yeah, thats the best $15 I've spent on the car yet. Well other than the money spent on fixing the AC, its a hot bastard right now.

For what its worth, I've done a lot of waxing now and feel that paste waxes are much better than liquid.
Mines black but theres a yellow one that runs around my town and looks about 5 diff shades of yellow due to failure
More neglect than failure. These cars just gotta be maintained like those of the fifties when wax after washing wasn't optional. Though it is odd that they would clearcoat the spoiler, must of been done in a different facility.
I did this last weekend and got great results as well. How often do you think the compound needs to be applied?
I had the same problem on my spoiler and the piece that is on top of the license plate and so I did this.

My spoiler within oh about a 2 weeks time went from shinny and new looking to bubbly and peeling. So I took it off rattle canned it semi gloss black to match my hatch and bumper that i painted like the above picture just cuz I wanted those parts black. Its a fast fix for a horrible horrible look. Had to sand it all the way down due to rust spots. I am about to go back out and wax my whole car, I too have found its the only way to protect it. I plan on repainting the entire car at some point when I have the money and I'm done playing around with it lol, it just looks funny all different shades of yellow
I like the black and yellow.

Is it really cost effective to get your car repainted. A good paint job is around $2,5k to 3k. I have a handful of maintainance repairs to get done to my car and my front suspension replaced, with the estimate around $2,5k. Plus I need new tires and the paint job has gone south a long time ago. Dont get me wrong, I love my car. If I could buy another one, I would (different color this time).
In my experience with paint, some colors just don't last as long as others. I really doubt that Mazda used a single stage paint. That would be like using old technology, and if in fact they did...shame on them. Blacks, reds, yellows, and some whites just don't last as long as most silvers and some blues. I recently saw the mixture for my Midnight blue mica paint and it has six colors that go in, 3 are pearls, and only one of the six was a shade of blue. I don't think it's necessarily mazdas fault, its just that some colors simply aren't as tolerant to the elements as some of the others may be.
x2 they did use a single stage paint. probably to save on their costs...i unno. lol

so, I decided to try the Meguires ultimate compound after reading this thread. I first applied it to the front bumper just under the head light. this was really faded badly. when I put it on, I was really getting annoyed. seemed to scratch up the paint even worse. looked even duller than before. lol
turns out I just needed to cut the paint many times to get it down to the shine I wanted. my fault for being impatient.
my paint was in bad shape, so when I ran one pass, it didnt do squat. it needed more than just one pass. After making several passes it started to really shine. I ran over the front and rear bumpers and mirrors 8 times, no joke, and the rest of the car twice because it wasnt as bad. seems the bumpers, mirrors and spoiler are the worst. I was really aggressive on the mirrors as well. I used just about the entire bottle this weekend, cut after cut.
I wish I had taken before and after pics, but I only have the after pic. lol
The mirrors look so freakin awesome!

i then used a cheapy orbital and used z-best wax. awesome stuff! goes on and comes off super easy.
so yea, if you have a vivid yellow paint job thats faded, try this stuff 1st before shelling out a ton of money for a new paint job.
Def gona try this asap do I need to get a buffer or can I do it by hand?

you dont need a buffer. I just used the orbital for applying the wax. The compound I applied by hand with just an everyday applicator.
dont be surprised when your rags get all yellow. lol its normal.
I wish you all could have seen how much yellow came off my car. haha
you dont need a buffer. I just used the orbital for applying the wax. The compound I applied by hand with just an everyday applicator.
dont be surprised when your rags get all yellow. lol its normal.
I wish you all could have seen how much yellow came off my car. haha

Doing it by hand can be reallllllllly time consuming if your paint was as bad as mine. I used 3 different stages of compound and pads with my porter cable before it was in the condition i wanted it to be.
Well the crappy part about my car is one of the previous owners wrecked it. Whoever the idiot that fixed clear coated both passenger doors the driver door and the hood. They aparently missed the back drivers side dooor and didn't prep the bumper right and they also didn't clean it because the drivers door has dirt or something under it and its starting to peel. So I basicly have a half shiny half faded car and I just want to atleast make it a lil bit better. I can get a buffer its more of just finding the time to do it. Ill try to post some pics so you can stare in awe at what an idiot did to such a nice car