Anyone have a NEW 20B Pressure Sensor NF01 E1T10776 For Sale?


I got an error code indicating there was a problem with my Pressure Sensor and Kawato (owner of informed me that Mazda no longer has any of these sensors in stock! He cleaned the sensor and that seemed to work / clear the error code for now but I should obtain a new one for the future...He also asked around and no one has a new one for sale...This would be less of an issue if I was running a piggyback or full ems system but I'm still running just the stock ecu...Anyone know of any sources that might have a new one???

Here's a pic of the sensor...


I see there's a used one currently on eBay ( (commissions earned)) but I'm looking for a new one...Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
Yahoo? Minkara? RHD?

The reality is that we will need to get used to recycling/repairing parts or sourcing some sort of alternative if we want them to keep rolling. Even more reason why we need to be saving as many parts from as many wrecks and half cuts as possible!

there are some second hand ones on EBay Antoine!

Yeah, I've been checking the usual sites including searching via Google...I did find a used one (mentioned above) but ideally I'd like a new one...It's sad to know Mazda no longer stocks and or makes certain KEY parts...I heard they no longer stock the 20B crank angle sensor, luckily I was able to obtain one a few years ago (possibly the last one in stock at the time if I recall correctly).

I know it's our reality now but I'm not really keen on stock piling a bunch of used parts (especially sensors etc)...I am interested in finding effective and even better alternative solutions whenever possible...If I'm not mistaken, running a piggyback ems can offer us a lot more flexibility (and even more so with a full ems system) and that's an upgrade I eventually want to do...

I wouldn't be surprised if some people / shops have new 20B pressure sensors sitting on a shelf...Either as personal spares or forgotten stock collecting dust...Kawato mentioned that these sensors have had a high failure rate and that he has replaced quite a few on RX-7s over the years...In anycase, thanks for the response, I may end up purchasing one or more used pressure sensors but I'm keeping my hope alive for a new one.

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