2 hicks get OWNED TO THE MAX

i would've blew his ******* engine.,...just step on the gas until the engine cna't take it anymore...then hand them the keys....

make them eat dirt...suck each others dicks and burn the truck.

but then again...it was fake...there was not stolen camera, gun was a toy, and there was never any keys in the sewer at the end of the vid...

all in all... F A K E
Alejo_NIN said:
i would've blew his ******* engine.,...just step on the gas until the engine cna't take it anymore...then hand them the keys....

make them eat dirt...suck each others dicks and burn the truck.

but then again...it was fake...there was not stolen camera, gun was a toy, and there was never any keys in the sewer at the end of the vid...

all in all... F A K E
Ok, I am just violent and you my friend are just wierd. I would have made one guy run over and kill the other guy or I would have shot them both. I would only give them 5 minutes to decide who gets run over before I killed them both.
And if they asked how they know I would not shoot them both anyway I would just laugh and say, I guess you'll just have to to trust me, eh.

But the knob slobbing part, I would have to leave that section out. Allthough I am sure that it would be horrifying in it's own homo-terroristic way.
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Perhaps the guy was a little smarter than the rest of you. He did nothing illegal except take the camera. If he went to town on their truck it would have eventually come back to him.

The only unrealistic part about it was that he pulled a gun on two strangers with his wife/girl present. He's lucky the guy pulled a baseball bat out of the truck bed and not a shotgun. So on that point alone, you could say that it is fake.

But I don't know...it all seemed pretty real to me.