whats yall doin friday?

its usally packed like crazy on fridays...plus we suppost to get rain....either case....if u comin by...i need to know
MSBlueP said:
u can always drive my car... hahah
that would be tight...Then we see who's the better driver. Its true that its quite packed on friday's...I went two weeks ago, but if you get there at 5 you can usually get at least 3 runs in before 7...more if you jump in the right lanes :D

but like the man said, its supposed to rain :(
if u plan to come u can start raidin my house aorund 7.....gives me time to cook, clean and prepare for the mayhem ahead lol also if ur comin....bring something.....some fritos or pork skins i dont care...just bring something :) oh and i got the bacardi and coke....u want something else......bring it!

I could always bring that vinyl over to attempt to put it on. Or at least the paper to make the templates....

Shoot me an email, my wife is working tonight so I'll be up for coming over to hang out.

I'll be coming from Owings Mills, would I have to drive through any tunnels or over any big ass bridges????
yeh bring it over george.....jump on 695 and head south and get off at wilkens ave. head away from the city pass umbc lef ton rolling road and follow that for a mile or two and my house riht around there.....no bridges or tunnels...ill email ya at lunch :)
sounds good man, I'll bring all the goodies to make the template and apply the vinyl:D

and....some CHIPS!!!
hey guys i'm going up to cecil tonight. we'll see what the p5 can do. sorry i can't make it. plus i'm leaving for las vegas this weekend, so i have to get packed up!! i'll be back in town next weekend.. PEACE!
LOL HAVE fun frank...if this one turns out good ill have another get together....win some cash for me...i need my coilovers :)
hey, i'm hoping to win enough to buy myself a pinball machine for my basement :)

of course, if i break even and come back with what i'm taking, i'll have enough :D but what's the fun in that..
AutoBox said:
NONE AT ALL.......leave with more or none at all....thats the only way to do it :)
that's they way it's always been.. except one time i came back with almost double what i took with me.. but believe me, i've made up for it by losing much more every other time.. hahaha.

i've been to las vegas twice a year every year for the past 3 years .. i'm getting addicted :) one of these days i'll actually take my fiancee with me .. it's just so much fun going with all guys from work (evil) ..
c'mon everyone.... Lisa, you're always up for something...

that's cool man, nobody will get to see a clear bra put on.... :D
LOL its all good...i just wanna make sure i dont buy too much food....i dont got money out my ass so i wanna know exactly how many are comin so i can prepare :) yeh im excited to see hwo it looks every time i wash my car i find a new chip (dark)
don't think the clear bra is going to be applied tonight, looking a little bad out right now. I'll definitely bring the paper though, maybe we can get a good MSP template made up for it!
needless to say cecil was rained out.. i did get all the way up there just in time to do the u-turn at the gate.. ARgH!

edit: and next week this time i'll be in flight on my way home!!
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