Spicy with Black TE37's

Look in the Vendor section of the forum under 'engine' They sell those hood prop kits. Worth having!
picking up seats today :)

well the seats are being remade - my pair went to a friend as they were too narrow for my liking. i upgraded to the gt seat which is 1 inch wider. they are also going to customize the seats with orange stitching, orange status logo, and at some point additional inserts with OEM centers. this way they will look some what stock. seats are now probably another two weeks out.

i'll post pics once they are finished and in my living room :)
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Whao, looks like high bolsters. How is it getting in and out of it?

Looks hella nice man...
Well it’s taken for ever but I finally hooked up some STATUS Ring CF seats! - I couldn't have picked a better day to head north to the warehouse.
Check out the Dodge ram :O

It's been raining nonstop since Friday and parts of WA or seriously flooded.

After making it through traffic a friend and I arrived only to find the seats needed to be pulled out of this 1500 lbs 450 horse roadster.


The rest is pretty much us trying to get the seats back dry. All good in the end.


"hummm...scratching post"
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droooooooooool... and where did you get that cf hood? how much was it? that hood looks good, not too much, but not too boring, looks perfect