People are haters!

Mazdaspeed Protege
Man I swear,

We now have 2 new dings in the car

and someone took the liberty of pressing gum on our rear lip...

i lived with this bad ass dent for quite some time, then i finally took the time to call dent wizard. 75 bucks later i have no dents
Doesn't happen when you live in the nice towns in the Northwest. I forget to lock my car half the time. Big cities are full of people with no morals.
Matthew said:
i lived with this bad ass dent for quite some time, then i finally took the time to call dent wizard. 75 bucks later i have no dents

Did you order vinyl yet?
yeah, when I lived in El Paso i hardly ever locked my car because of the area i lived in...I wanna move out of the city...

(fu) all the haters

If I see someone dent my car...I'm gonna hit their car and put a big ass dent in it (chair)
when someone dinged my pass door i put a note up on the office noteboard calling them out.
Hi guys! I washed my car today. My wife and I cleaned it up extra nice. I parked in front of my mother-in-laws house because we were invited for a special supper. I noticed a small puddle a little ways up in front of my car. No big deal, I didn't think anything else of it though. After supper, we walk up to the car and notice someone splashed the s*** out of my driver's side. I mean, they must have hit that puddle with some serious speed because my windshield, hood whole driver's side was stained with some dirty ass water. I was friggin parked on a really quiet little side street, so someone thought it would be funny to race down the street and splash my clean ride with some dirty water. Really funny. I'm not really a hater, so I just shook my head and figured it must be payback for something I did to someone in the past or something. Minor detail, that's all. It's just something I wouldn't do to someone else's clean ride. Peace.
AtrociousMazda said:
Man I swear,

We now have 2 new dings in the car

and someone took the liberty of pressing gum on our rear lip...


I had a nice wad of gum placed on my front bumper last fall. It was a really hot day too so pulling it off was quite messy.
wow, you guys live in some pretty shifty places... i've never encountered anything to that degree on a personal level...

worst thing thats happened to me to date just happend a few nites ago, i was out to dinner with my mother and parked the protege out in BFE a spot away from an 05 MGT, nice looking car (blue, GT350 decal package), i figure noone will park out here because it is BFE, and the mustang wont ding me (like he would anyway) because i'm a spot away, well i had the pleasure of having a seat where i could see where my car was in the lot, and not 10 minutes after we sit down some ass-hat in a jeep wrangler circles the lot a couple times, passes up a few closer spots, and parks IN BETWEEN me and the mustang, 20 spots lined up on the other side of my car EMPTY, and he parks right in between, wondery why :(... and another time i was at a party, and some asshole was telling a story about a vette he saw in the meijers parking lot, parked way out in BFE as to not get any door dings/scratchs, so obviously this guy is full of himself and needs to be taught a lesson, so said college student decided to hurl a cart in the general direction of the vette and was lucky enough to hit the fender, i just about jumped over the coffee table to kick his ass, but spilling my beer down his back without him noticing was just as fulfilling :D...
Yeah Fu&$ haters. I had some asshats in a crx throw something at my car for no reason what so ever left a lil ding. The other night I noticed some b**** in a POS park in front of my car stay there and it looked very suspicious because it was 2am I was just waiting for them to get out. But some one turned on the light in the kitchen and scared them off. Also same night someone egged the neighborhood but luckily they missed my car. People are assholes.
i got a nice one the first week i had the car. I was over at my buddies house playing ghost recon or something and i left at like 2am. Walk out to the car to go home and notice there is s*** all over every window on my car. Looks like butter or something, just on the windows too, and the check out the car further, huge dent in the rear of the car just beyond the gas tank door. So pissed. He lives in one hell of a nice neighborhood too which really surprised me.

MazdaSpeed0020 said:
i got a nice one the first week i had the car. I was over at my buddies house playing ghost recon or something and i left at like 2am. Walk out to the car to go home and notice there is s*** all over every window on my car. Looks like butter or something, just on the windows too, and the check out the car further, huge dent in the rear of the car just beyond the gas tank door. So pissed. He lives in one hell of a nice neighborhood too which really surprised me.


I had a car egged once in a really nice neighborhood. The neighborhood doesn't really make much difference. Shitheads live everywhere. I'm sure it was a bunch of spoiled brat kids who never got any dicipline in their entire lives.
yea i actually got the license plate number to this beatle one night when me and wife came home and parked. it was parked all stupid and the space next to it was the only one left in front of my apartment complex,or i couldve parked it like way the hell in the back where i cant see the car. well we parked it,got the license plate number just in case. we got home and go to sleep. we walk out the next morning; ''BAM'', their it was, big fucken ding in the car. i was so pissed,but we couldnt do s***,cuz we couldnt prove it was the beatle that was parked next to us. aaggghhhh........


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