My P5 is Complete!!


I was commenting earlier cause we had talked about the Mazda6 wiper for his car being a last mod to do. . .

what's megan fox got to do with anything other than making my shorts tight
She would be an uber sexy wiper....but the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) says I can't mail her in any fashion or get within 50 feet.
lmao!! True true. . . alright, gonna end this threadjack now.

l o l
almost a 2 year is a nice car though...wonder what he's up too?

yeah, havent seen him around in a while.

I am still around, just not as much as I used to be!

looks sick bro :D

Thanks! She's not in as good of shape as back then mainly due to some rough winters and rust :) but she still looks good (from a distance) and runs great.

Nice looking car. What did you use to attach the front lip? Mine doesn't fit nearly that good.

Thanks, I used 6 self-tapping screws. Two in each of the wheel wells and one under each fog light. Its not 100% snug but its as flush as you can get without going nuts with screws or molding it into the bodywork.
sweet ride man. i can only dream that mine will look as mean as yours does. Congrats
Looks nice. Havent posted many pics latly. But mine is almost a white version. Good work. Was it difficult to pop your head lights open?
sweet ride man. i can only dream that mine will look as mean as yours does. Congrats


Looks nice. Havent posted many pics latly. But mine is almost a white version. Good work. Was it difficult to pop your head lights open?

Thanks! Honestly getting the headlights open was not that bad. I did it twice actually. Once a few years ago when I started this thread and again this summer (I was afraid I didn't seal them properly the first time so I wanted to go back and do it correctly). It is by no means easy but its something anyone can do as long as they are patient. Needless to say though you have to be a bit nuts to do it, I mean you are putting them in the oven.

