Jones Beach


00' Protege, lx
What: Multi Forum meet, it used to be a day at the beach but we decided to invite everyone. We've got a bbq planed, so we have a costco sized thing of hot dogs and hamburgers, and grills are on the beach.

Should be a good day of fun in the sun.

When: Tomorrow 6/29/07 12 PM

Where: Jones Beach, Long Island

Field 4 If it fills up were going to take the next parking lot over too ;)


From West of Jones Beach:
Take the Long Island Expressway or Grand Central Parkway east to the Northern State Parkway, then to the Wantagh Parkway South, and follow the signs for Jones Beach State Park. Parking for the Jones Beach Boardwalk bandshell can be found in Field 4. Walk directly towards the flagpole at the Center Mall and make a right on the boardwalk. The Bandshell is 500 ft down on the right.

From East of Jones Beach:
Take the Northern State or Southern States Parkways West to Wantagh Parkway South and follow the signs for Jones Beach State Park. Parking for the Jones Beach Boardwalk bandshell can be found in Field 4. Walk directly towards the flagpole at the Center Mall and make a right on the boardwalk. The Bandshell is 500 ft down on the right.

Currently 40 people planed, so should be a ton of fun.