Your opinions please!

2008 Mazda 3 sedan speed:)
I am going to be buying ms6 wheels and at first I was thinking about powder coating them black... But then from playing on the internet I found a different color I want, tell me if you think it will look good or like s***...


IMO every color looks better than black when it comes to wheels. I just don't like the whole black wheel/ black tire and no separation. ^that color is kick ass! Would look bad on my car though, would look great with black. BTW unless you gat a hell of a deal on the MS6 wheels you should look for something lighter, trust me you can feel the difference. Stock Mazda alloy wheels weigh like 23 lbs. each for a 17". Less unsprung weight will mean quicker take-off.
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Not a bad deal, so long as the tires are good quality with very low mileage.
Love the gunmetal color on a black car. I'm think of doing the same with a set for the summer tires.