Working with A** holes

Do you guy's work with a bunch of a**holes. I sure do.



Of course this was done on purpose specifically because I park at the very end of the lot where no one else does. There were 15 empty spaces all around me, and I got these images in an email one of them sent out.

Ideas for payback that won't get me fired would be greatly appreciated
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LMAO I just spit my Oreo pudding everywhere LOL

Lil Freek said:
throw s*** in they mufflers :)
or get a pink marker and write "I <3 the B52's" on their tires
hmmmmmm *beep....saves in mental memory*

Ryoga28 said:
put a bb gun pellet between their tire valve and cap. They will slowly lose pressure over time.
you know what this means...time to mount the MSP on a monster truck chassis and raise hell
Haha that is actually what our employee parking was like at my dealership, it sucked. You would be blocked in so bad. Some spots were under a billboard that would be populated by birds most of the time unleashing a horrid shitstorm. My hood actually has super-small circular dents in it from this one time when a huge flock landed and began to s*** tiny SEEDS like crazy.
If they are just joking around, then I would recommend buying "princess" car stickers for all of them and applying them whereever. If they were ******* with you because they are real dicks and don't like you, then put horrible things in their a ham sandwich.
how about Mcdonalds french fries?!?!?!

CommieSpeed said:
Haha that is actually what our employee parking was like at my dealership, it sucked. You would be blocked in so bad. Some spots were under a billboard that would be populated by birds most of the time unleashing a horrid shitstorm. My hood actually has super-small circular dents in it from this one time when a huge flock landed and began to s*** tiny SEEDS like crazy.
If they are just joking around, then I would recommend buying "princess" car stickers for all of them and applying them whereever. If they were ******* with you because they are real dicks and don't like you, then put horrible things in their a ham sandwich.
hahaha thats friggin halarious
i like the sticker idea get something real gay like barbie stickers or rainbow stickers haha
get one that says "I love cowboys butts" - movie quote....cant remember movie

miss_steele_msp said:
hahaha thats friggin halarious
i like the sticker idea get something real gay like barbie stickers or rainbow stickers haha
definitely go with inconspicuous stickers for whichever social group they dislike.

If they're Cowhicks, get a PETA , Anti-Gun or Vegan sticker

Geeks - I<3Windows sticker

Homophobes - Rainbow Sticker or as suggested above, a "Princess" or " I Love Cowboy Butts" Sticker

Hell, if you can make a NAMBLA sticker, go for it.

etc etc

Just stick it somewhere low on their bumper, and chances are they'll never even see it
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now if your really daring....just get some of the smelliest s*** on the planet....(rotten food, roadkill, skunk "juice") and generously apply to their vehicles.... (wheel-wells) door handles, etc.
When we were in high school we put half a trout in some guys camaro under his spare, he didnt find for like a week, and he could never roll up the windows becuase the smell was so bad, so when he went to class more people did stuff to it. It was great fun
Two of them are cool (the two who parked 1-2 feet away). The hick with the stock Dodge Ram with a lift kit is an asshole who's always been an asshole and must have some sort of penis inferiority complex (he also drives a little crotch rocket).

While I would love to get back at them hardcore - My initial plan was to jack their back wheels up onto jackstands and leave early for the rest of the day. But I like my job and don't want to get in real trouble.

I like the stickers and pink marker (but would probably have to use erasable window marker instead) ideas.

Here's some others I've heard/ thought of:
Switch the letters on their keyboard so they type all crazy (I think Tease did this once and posted a picture)
Use very clear tape and tape down the Control button on their work computers. All three are on PCs and I'd probably do it at lunch so the computers would have worked fine earlier in the day. This would probably really piss off the IT helpdesk though.

I'd like to do something subtley frustrating. Keep the ideas coming.
That's when you get a bunch of friends together (at least 4-5 good-sized guys) and you lift up the back end of the other cars and move them.