WOLO Maxi-Blaster Horns

Perhaps the easiest mod I've ever done. Jacked up the right front about 8", removed four screws holding a plastic cover, and then just bent the plastic down about 6", exposing the OEM horns. Removed them, installed the new WOLOs using the same two bolts. The WOLOs have two terminals, and they provide a grounding wire for the extra terminal; the grounding wires fasten to the thread bolt on each horn. Secured the plastic cover with the four screws, secured my tools, and lowered the car. Great sound, and a worth-while improvement, in preparation for that ONE TIME when you need to get someone's attention quickly. Less than 30 minutes total for this mod.
Are you talking about a Second Gen Mazda 6? I want to change my horns to a louder pair. The shop manual states that the front bumper needs to be removed.

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