What's that noise?


Hi Everyone. Enjoying my new CX9!
One thing has been bugging me though. I keep hearing a squeaking noise which sounds like it's coming from mid second row area. I am almost sure its the seat bench, but I can't figure out what's causing it. It 's like two pieces of something rubbing together or maybe something that's loose. I've tried repositioning the seat and locking it in place, but the sound is still there when I drive.
I hate to have to bring it to the dealer, but I know it's not a normal thing to hear.
Any thoughts on what it might be?
since the 2nd row seats are split 60/40 ... you can try folding the 40 part down to check if the noise is coming from the rubbing of leather ( i am assuming you have leather seats ) between the two seats.

i also found some noise coming from the 3rd row seats not completely folded down and it disappears when i put some piece of luggage ontop of these seats.
I thought it might be the leather too, but it seems like there might be metal involved. It sounds more like creaking than a squeak. I'll take it for a spin with the seat down to see if that changes anything.
Thanks CX9ZoomR. Unfortunately did not find much play in the armrest. When I try to jiggle the seat I don't get the noise (dunno). So there doesn't seem to be anything loose. I just hope Mazda can figure it out. It's very bothersome!