What to do to add a turbo?


I am looking in to putting in a turbo kit in my 03 LX, well its more a MP3 now...
here is my questions...

1- has anyone here ever put a turbo in a protege, if so what do i need to do first? change the pistions and other internal components?
2-what brand of turbo kits did you use?
3- should i just buy a MSP engine that has the turbo already (plug & play)
4- my car is a auto
5- what is the price range when everything is done?

any input would be great, i only have 1 year left in payments and i dont want to buy a new car yet.
Hows your car "more an MP3" now if its an auto? Anyways.... start by swapping out that auto to a MT so you can use the MSP ecu and by doing so making the msp pretty much bolt on and go. My plan is to drive my car as is with best possible gas mileage for a few years untill something less expensive comes around to fuel my car and then do a MT swap and drop in a turbo. Either that or just buy an STi.

Oh, yeah... I know I didn't answer your questions but theres a million answers out there just begging to be searched on. Just type in "auto" and "turbo" and have fun!