what did you pay for your 3 sedan in Canada?


sorry! thought that when you said wolfe, it meant the one on boundary. but anyhow, congrats! when do you get your car?
I am not sure when i get my car, they will call me on MOnday to tell me abt it and my finance stuff alos

Hey this is to everyone

Is there any gifts i am to get with the car or do i need to ask for anyhting?

Is it too much to ask for a cargo net to come with the car?
hmm, i think you should have negotiated that before you signed the contract. you could always try!

but you have to remember to check the car before it leaves the lot. like make sure the carpets are there, full tank, the correct VIN number, and nothing wrong with the car. i'd walk around the car several times just to make sure. you never know!

i hope mine comes SOON!
I cant wait to see my car, i already see one mazda3 a day on the road now and they are all different ones. These cars are going to flood the road in one year.
Yea ture Maxam i should of ask for the cargo net b4 but i didn;t remember at the time hahha

how do i know is the correct VIN # for the car?
just make sure it's the correct model. for example, if you got the sport with AC, make sure the AC is in there! the VIN should be on the contract, and it should match that of the car (usually can be seen through the left lower corner of the front window or a sticker inside the doors).

i doubt the dealers in vancouver will be out to get you and give you the wrong car, but you never know! you should always check these things out carefully before you drive off the lot. i mean, you did just pay almost 30 grand for it!
True true thx for the tips

hey maxam post at my " who got a Mazda3 in Vancouver" so we know who got one and setup a meet soon! if u want i guess lol