vibration..bumpy ride..motor/engine mount? this a common problem of 5?


I'm having excessive vibration on the cabin, and with a bumpy ride when accelerating. Strong vibration and bumpy felling at maintaining at 40mph to 55mph. I've been in the dealer for so many times. they check all front and rear suspension and all are tight. One day I found a thread about mazda 3 having problem on mount. would this be my problem? how can I check if my mounts are bad? I only got 37000 mileage. allot of driving everyday. vibration is strong at drivers flooring, feeling a loose under it. how many mounts are their in front to hold engine & tranny?
Funny you post this. I am taking my 5 gt in today for the 3rd time concerning this (issue has not yet been resolved). I have the vibes you have at those speeds, as well as between 70-80mph. 3 different sets of wheels/tires in the front (all brand new), road force balanced, etc. Issue still there. Ruins a great car imo. I do long drives every couple of weeks (6 hours each way), and the constant wheel shimmer drives me nuts ! This is totally unacceptable. My grand prix with 260 000kms doesnt have the slightest vibration, but my mazda 5 with 30 000 kms does? Ridiculous. and from seeing other posts on here about the same thing, I wonder if Mazda even knows what the issue is?
Funny you post this. I am taking my 5 gt in today for the 3rd time concerning this (issue has not yet been resolved). I have the vibes you have at those speeds, as well as between 70-80mph. 3 different sets of wheels/tires in the front (all brand new), road force balanced, etc. Issue still there. Ruins a great car imo. I do long drives every couple of weeks (6 hours each way), and the constant wheel shimmer drives me nuts ! This is totally unacceptable. My grand prix with 260 000kms doesnt have the slightest vibration, but my mazda 5 with 30 000 kms does? Ridiculous. and from seeing other posts on here about the same thing, I wonder if Mazda even knows what the issue is?

My 5 is on the dealer right now, I drive it with a mechanic on the passenger, he also feel the bumpy ride. I will post update this afternoon. I'm on a rental car now. hopefully they will fix the problem. Are you planning to bring your 5 to shop? I told to the mechanic to check all mount, mazda3 has this problem.
A really good indicator of a broken motor mount is vibration when idling in Drive with the foot on the brake.
Well, the advisor called me this morning to tell me they changed the # 3 motor mount, and the vibrations are gone (I will have to test myself as well). They also changed the left rear shock cause it was leaking.... I told them the car would jump sideways when hitting a bump with that wheel. I'll let you know if the motor mount fixed it

Well, the advisor called me this morning to tell me they changed the # 3 motor mount, and the vibrations are gone (I will have to test myself as well). They also changed the left rear shock cause it was leaking.... I told them the car would jump sideways when hitting a bump with that wheel. I'll let you know if the motor mount fixed it


Good to hear that. Mine, I got this morning from the dealer..bad news they always tell me that they can't duplicate the problem. they check mount and told me they are good. I still have the vibration. Went home for nothing..I pay for my rental car but my 5 still have the problem. Can you update where is that #3 mount locate. I suspected the mound below the driver flooring. that is the location where I feel the vibration strong. And if I can just replace it by my self I will do it. I don't know what kind of mechanic mazda had.
Let me know where is that mount located. thanks
I just noticed the vibration this past week on mine......I know it wasnt there before and I really need to get it fixed because its driving me nuts...I thought I had read on here that the mounts go bad on the 5 just wanted to make sure before the dealer blames it on something else. The car idles fine but when you open the hood you can see the motor shaking....I'm going to guess this is a motor mount situation.....the person that had motor mount #3 replaced what did the old motor mount look like?
the person that had motor mount #3 replaced what did the old motor mount look like?

If it is me you are asking, I don't know. I had the dealer do it (warranty). Had them replace # 3 and 4. The # 4 mount is what resolved the main vibrations, changing the # 3 mount didn;t change much. The steering wheel still shimmys at 100km/h +, ever so slightly, but enough to put my hand to sleep on long drives. Everything has been checked, so I dunno what else it can be? Warped rotor maybe? Never had a warped rotor cuase vibrations at crusing speed though.


Have you road force balanced your tires? Computer balance isn't good enough. I've gone through this multiple times with several cars. Lower profile tires have to be road force balanced, especially as the rim size gets bigger.
My problem only occurs when I'm at a stop sign or stop light...any other time She purrs like a kitten and I dont feel anything.
My problem only occurs when I'm at a stop sign or stop light...any other time She purrs like a kitten and I dont feel anything.

Ours has a slight vibration at idle. It's been reported in auto mag reviews and lots of people who've bought it confirm. The engine mounts were actually changed at one point to make is sloppier to drive, but with less vibration at idle. Some say the throttle body ground mod helps it. I did that mod and didn't notice anything. However, after 16,000 miles I notice it a lot less now. If you can feel the wheel shaking at idle and it concerns you, get over it because it's normal. Sorry.