Tom Hanks Likes To Pee

Does he pee in the Burbs? He goes to the bathroom at the Klopeks house and lets the dog out...then Art falls...that's a good movie
protegeV said:
naw Im pretty sure its Bill paxton that does the peeing in the tube in space(thats the pee scene that stand out to me)
doesnt he TALK about peeing on camera though?
I thought he did pee in apollo 13. I know he talks about showing how to pee in space on camera.
sykotick said:
Does he pee in the Burbs? He goes to the bathroom at the Klopeks house and lets the dog out...then Art falls...that's a good movie
i dont know if he actually gets to go...SOMEONE WATCH THE BURBS!

moose - i think protegeV is right, i think its the other guy who is sick who pees, but tom hanks definately interviews about it.