This guy hit my MS3 and ran away. >_<


'07 Cosmic Blue MS3
Short story:

Donald R. Donahue from 759 Meadowbrook Ave. SE Warren, Ohio 44484 who drives a 2002 silver Mazda Protege5 with license plate DQB-1521 hit me today and ran away, but the Virginia police told me they can't really do anything.

Long story:

I was in Springfield, VA today to videograph my cousin's wedding. After the wedding ceremony, I was driving to the reception area. While making a left turn from Amherst Ave. onto Commerce St. in Springfield a car that was in the inner turning lane crossed over and hit me from the behind. I turned on my blinkers and got out of the car. I noticed the person was a white male in his late 40s or 50s, driving a silver Protege5. I quickly wrote down the license plate number and demanded the insurance information, and he replied, "I didn't hit anything." >_< While I was walking towards the car right behind (to get some witness info), the Protege driver decided to punch the gas and took off. I was like, "what the?" and immediately followed him. His Protege5 wasn't hard to catch up to with my MS3, but he was driving like a bankrobber on the run. He turned onto I-495 from Commerce st, and it looked like he hit a new silver (sandy color) Honda Civic coupe as he was running away from me because now that car was attempting to get this lunatic to pull over.
This guy was starting to upset me because he would do stuff like slamming on his brakes, trying to make me crash into him.
I frantically got on my phone and called 911, and they told me... to pull over, so they could file a report (all the while I'm chasing him). I was like "wha~?" but I obeyed and pulled over to the side, letting this Ohio driver to disappear from my sight. Then this operator told me that because the accident happened in Fairfax County, I'd have to meet up with a Fairfax Co. police to file the report. So we decided that I'd meet up with an officer at a 7-11 in Annandale. After twenty minutes or so, a female officer came to the location, and told me that they had gotten another call reporting an accident with the matching car description in Springfield (turns out that the person in front of me saw the whole thing and reported). She then continued to tell me that because the guy's car is registered in Ohio, and because the state of OH does not give up the necessary info needed to pursue this case to other jurisdictions, it'd be almost impossible to do anything. She added that by filing a report to my insurance company, I might actually do more harm to my records than good since the damage is minor. I asked with a straight face, "so because this guy is from Ohio, he could kill someone with the car and get away with it?" She replied, "well... that would be different. With minor cases like yours, he'd only get a $20 ticket." She asked me if I still wanted to file a report (I said yes), and when I asked her, "honestly speaking if this were your car what would you do?" she said, "nothing. It sucks."

From the police report she wrote up, I now know this jerk of a person's name is Donald R. Donahue who lives (or used to live) at 759 Meadowbrook Ave SE Warren, Ohio 44484. Ohio License plate DQB-1521 for the 2002 silver Mazda Protege5. Funny thing was that I had my nice video equipment in my passenger seat (for the wedding), but it never occurred to me to record him (would've made a hell of a youtube video). According what the police officer told me, that probably wouldn't have mattered anyway though. >_< It would have been like... I (and the witnesses) have this video of the person who hit me. I know his car model/year/ license plate, his name and even where he lives, but ultimately I have to pay to fix my car.

I love the American justice system, don't you?
Road trip? I'd file a complaint with the authorities in Ohio. $20 ticket my a**, that is a hit and run. That is at least a suspension of his liscense.
that ******* sucks, I can't believe they are not going to do anything.

good luck.
Ya that suxs alright....Some jack hole hit my car with there door a few days ago and put a BIG dent in the rear door of my car.A body shop want $175 to fix it...

And are you sure hes not from shelbyville....:)

A little Simpsons humor even tho you are not in the mood for a joke...
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Well since he got a hit and run on you, why can't you do it back...You got his info right?
dude what?! that's crazy! **** OHIO!

That's ludicrous. I'd be takin that guy to court, no doubt. Hit and runs are not friggin cool, and for someone in a Protege5 to do it to another Mazda hatchback.. and a silver Protege5.. god damn that's horrible.

Dude I wish you all the luck in the world getting that resolved.
go to the nearest gun store and take a friday off work and head to

just ironic how it was another mazda. he prolly had the clunk and was

hope the damage isnt major. i feel for ya. stupid drivers suck.
Well... seriously... roll up on him with some homies and confront his ass... only thing he will try and do is run at which point your break his knees
Yeah, our legal system is ****** up.

I had my wheels stolen about a year and a half ago, many of you remember.
I found out who did it 2-3 weeks later.

Added their info to the police report and it still wasn't enough to make a case
-THREE matching serial numbers on my recipt.
-one set of serial numbers for the wheels and 2 different numbers for the tires
Needless to say, identical wheels same curb marks with photographic proof of the same curbage on my car, size, color, offset, lug pattern, tire, treadwear, pattern, etc.

Still wasn't enough.

Cops are worthless in these situations.
Give the cops a chance, then take matters into your own hands.

Best thing to do : Plant drugs in the engine bay of the car, then report the guy as a suspected drug dealer.
That way your police report will favor you when he goes to court...
especially when there's two reports of a hit & run on him.
Thanks *^_^*

Thanks for the support, guys (and girls).

I don't think a road trip will be an option for me,
and messing his car up will ultimately make me the same kind of person as he is.

I can't find the heart to forgive this person just yet,
but judging him is really not up to me, but the law system, however unfair it maybe.
I feel a bit ashamed for the fact that I even chased him
because I, too, put the public in danger for a few minutes
as the chase scenes in non-controlled environment (i.e. not movie sets)
can bring about catastrophic results.

I am almost certain that his way of life will catch up to him sooner or later,
so I'm not going to let this incident ruin a joyful day that was meant to be
(i.e. my cousin's wedding). Have a great Sunday, everyone! *^_^*
Hikaru9 said:
Thanks for the support, guys (and girls).

I don't think a road trip will be an option for me,
and messing his car up will ultimately make me the same kind of person as he is.

I can't find the heart to forgive this person just yet,
but judging him is really not up to me, but the law system, however unfair it maybe.
I feel a bit ashamed for the fact that I even chased him
because I, too, put the public in danger for a few minutes
as the chase scenes in non-controlled environment (i.e. not movie sets)
can bring about catastrophic results.

I am almost certain that his way of life will catch up to him sooner or later,
so I'm not going to let this incident ruin a joyful day that was meant to be
(i.e. my cousin's wedding). Have a great Sunday, everyone! *^_^*
Get a lawyer. Most will take this kind of case without any upfront fees and at the very least can get your car repair costs covered. I would also ask them about the insurance info that the cop mentioned, because you should be able to get payment through the bone-head's insurance and not get a hit on yours. My wife was rear-ended by a school bus when she was at a full stop, so I have had to do this before...
damn man. I had a similar thing happen to me with a an evo and filed it with my insurance company and my company paid for everything. (Geico) They put it under unisured motorist or something. Main thing is that they paid for it and the guy was from NC.
Kansei said:
Definitely call the other guy's insurance company to file a claim, not yours.

That would be the logical thing to do.
The problem here is that the VA law enforcement has no authority to get the guy's insurance information as Ohio is one of the states who doesn't release such information to other jurisdictions. Of course, I'm just going by what the police told me as I don't know a thing about the laws in the state of Ohio (nor VA).
LOL, check the protege forums, he probably has a thread on how he outran a MS3!! that would priceless.

seriously, get a gun, and shoot the **** out of his car next time that happens...i would love to see his reaction. Excuse me Mr. Cop, I got shot while i tried to illegally run away from an accident scene, and as i tried to make the following good citizen crash into me as i drove frantically and recklessly...he shot me. What a jerk!
Karma_hunden said:
LOL, check the protege forums, he probably has a thread on how he outran a MS3!! that would priceless.

seriously, get a gun, and shoot the **** out of his car next time that happens...i would love to see his reaction. Excuse me Mr. Cop, I got shot while i tried to illegally run away from an accident scene, and as i tried to make the following good citizen crash into me as i drove frantically and recklessly...he shot me. What a jerk!

silly Florida man.. we don't all have such loose gun laws(gun)


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