The Ohio Random Thread... aka We Should Probably Be Working

I agree with Jon and Will! You are far better off doing both days and becoming consistent in hitting your marks @ Mid-Ohio. It is a really technical track and once you learn it, you can literally drive any track in America! Try to find instructors that have a familiarity with front wheel drive, so you can learn the proper line for your car.

Just don't get the guy who drove the Acura off at turn 4!
Don't waste your time/money with Hyperdrive. Trust me, you'll be kicking yourself for not spending the $400 for the full weekend HPDE event. One 20 minute session just isn't worth it.

Regarding the parade lap I was basically at the front so I didn't see any of what you guys are talking about. If it weren't for Cory leaving a gap in front of him I would have just putted along mindlessly with the pace car. I never even left second gear. That doesn't mean I didn't get to have any fun in the corners though. I'll have to try to get the video off my wife's Sony camcorder so everyone can here me drone on about the proper lines to follow around Mid-Ohio, LOL!

Post it up. There was a couple of time April was like "where did the red 2 go?" I was humming she'll be coming arond the mountain when she comes. I had to leave some decent gaps because the 2 3's in front of me were going 10mph. Good times though. Sunday was pretty cool seeing the B-spec 2's and Mini's rubbing paint and the Miata Playboy series was pretty good too. After that I was beat and ready for the drive home.
Did anyone else's tires get coated with rubber from the track? I'm guessing that's normal? When I got home, I noticed my tires looked white, and then realized they had picked up a full coating of tiny gravel from my driveway.
Look man, you can't win the Parade Lap World Championship if you're not willing to take some risks, ok?

I'm talking about what happened between races, they were doing some sort of demonstration with the M-O Acura and BMWs, the Acuras just seemed to be driving around (maybe giving rides?) while the BMWs were drifting around the corners. One lap this Acura just drove right through turn 4 and ended up hitting the tire wall. Pretty funny considering these were the instructors.
One lap this Acura just drove right through turn 4 and ended up hitting the tire wall. Pretty funny considering these were the instructors.

Oh yeah. I don't know if he lost his brakes or what; it looked like he didn't make any effort to slow down.
I'm talking about what happened between races, they were doing some sort of demonstration with the M-O Acura and BMWs, the Acuras just seemed to be driving around (maybe giving rides?) while the BMWs were drifting around the corners. One lap this Acura just drove right through turn 4 and ended up hitting the tire wall. Pretty funny considering these were the instructors.

Oh, sorry. The Touring Lap World Championship then ;)
we were sitting over by the top of madness and watched one of the hotlap cars go off...

I'm talking about what happened between races, they were doing some sort of demonstration with the M-O Acura and BMWs, the Acuras just seemed to be driving around (maybe giving rides?) while the BMWs were drifting around the corners. One lap this Acura just drove right through turn 4 and ended up hitting the tire wall. Pretty funny considering these were the instructors.

They were doing hot laps (yes, giving rides). Lauri, Ray, and I did one in the BMWs on Saturday. It was awesome :)
Sounds like an awesome weekend for a lot of you. Sucks I couldn't go again. I was super busy this weekend as well.

The wife and I traded in her 01 CRV with 159k and picked up a MINT 06 CRV last Friday. She's super happy and we got hooked up on trade-in.

Saturday I worked then went to Cleveland for my cousin's grad party. I actually rented a new 3 with the SkyActiv engine in it. What a great engine! Plenty of pep and I averaged 40 mpg going 75-80 up and back. Too bad it's in such an ugly wrapper. Then Sunday more work. Yay! Sunday are such a waste on the job.
How many ohio people are going to The Glen? I am going with Kyle and my little guy Nathan and My friend Lance is tagging along....
New tires for the 2 arrive tomorrow. Also getting a windshield put in finally.... (whistle)
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I hate stupid people... this is the second time the MB wheels have been "bought" on ebay and it's the second time I've had to cancel the transaction. Buyer failed to see the shipping charges were for within the US, the guy lives in Russia... I'm not shipping 3 wheels to Russia for $75 bucks...


So my awesome GF of 2.5 years wanted to get me something nice for my birthday, even though I said if she HAD to get me something, just get me a HotWheels. So she commissioned her 29 year old sister to paint this Egyptian turtle monster playing an upright bass for $50. Hahaha! Tessa was laughing so hard when I opened it up. I hung it up in my office and the reactions are hilarious.

On the other hand, my awesome sister sent me this. :D