The Official: "I got a ticket in my 3" thread...

for realz...or the thread police might arrest us for "careless posting"! (eek2)

(five-0) were comin for you......hehe

i just realized how much has changed with law enforcement these days.... this was my first ticket in almost 10 years, back then i had to drive in and pay the ticket at the courthouse and it was a big pain in the ass. Now i just punched in the ticket info online, typed in my CC info, clicked submit, and im done! makes the ticket process a little bit less painful which is always good
(five-0) were comin for you......hehe

i just realized how much has changed with law enforcement these days.... this was my first ticket in almost 10 years, back then i had to drive in and pay the ticket at the courthouse and it was a big pain in the ass. Now i just punched in the ticket info online, typed in my CC info, clicked submit, and im done! makes the ticket process a little bit less painful which is always good

LOL! it's just a revenue generator for the hell up and GTFO! (rofl2)
I have a valentine one. Have never gotten pulled over with it.. knock on wood. I stay clear of the left lane and only use it if I must pass someone. Another good thing to know is where the cops stand most of the time on the highways and street. Believe me it helps. Sometimes its just stupid luck.

Last week I was cruising on I-294 and there was a new white Chevi Impala 4 cars length behinds me. The front window was pretty dark and I was going around 85 on 55. I was passing on the left lane but I decided to hold off and got back on middle and slowed to 75. The Impala caught up to me and it turned out to be an undercover. I got lucky. He started speeding down the highway so I followed :)
This is for the person who just got a speeding ticket
I've gotten 3 speeding tickets. 2 that were not my foult and one i was being a poop. Have no worries. The DISTRIC ATTORNEY would give you a deal. Always and i mean always go to court on the day given to you. Make sure to play not guilty. They always make you an offer to save themselfs money for paying everyone that has to be there on a latter court day. This will save you. My last one was 78 on a 50. 25 miles over the limit = 11 points on your lincense which is an automatic suspension. They reduce it to 4 points and to a 64 on a 50 so my insurance didn't got up. Insurance goes up after 15 miles over the limit.
I have a valentine one. Have never gotten pulled over with it.. knock on wood. I stay clear of the left lane and only use it if I must pass someone. Another good thing to know is where the cops stand most of the time on the highways and street. Believe me it helps. Sometimes its just stupid luck.

Last week I was cruising on I-294 and there was a new white Chevi Impala 4 cars length behinds me. The front window was pretty dark and I was going around 85 on 55. I was passing on the left lane but I decided to hold off and got back on middle and slowed to 75. The Impala caught up to me and it turned out to be an undercover. I got lucky. He started speeding down the highway so I followed :)

Sorry for the thread drift ....

It wasn't long ago I was driving south on 294 in the Schaumburg/Woodfield area and was in the left lane (speeding, like everyone on 294) and, in an instant there was a car on my ass (like, can't see the headlights close), so I move over. It was a state trooper. He got right on the next guy's ass too, and stayed right there for what seemed like minutes. He never flashed his lights, horn, or anything, but just waited for the idiot to get out of the way. They finally moved and he took off. I did NOT follow.

Too much coffee with his doughnuts, I guess.(uhm)
I have a valentine one. Have never gotten pulled over with it.. knock on wood. I stay clear of the left lane and only use it if I must pass someone. Another good thing to know is where the cops stand most of the time on the highways and street. Believe me it helps. Sometimes its just stupid luck.

You aren't kidding. On my way to work the other day, I am lost in thought, doing a little over 70 in the right lane in a 65 zone (still catching up to people) where I normally would have been at 80 in the left lane, and there are not one, but two, squad cars under an overpass. One just before the pilings, one right after. They both hit me with instant on and decided I wasn't going fast enough to bother with. BLIND DUMB LUCK
Sorry for the thread drift ....

It wasn't long ago I was driving south on 294 in the Schaumburg/Woodfield area and was in the left lane (speeding, like everyone on 294) and, in an instant there was a car on my ass (like, can't see the headlights close), so I move over. It was a state trooper. He got right on the next guy's ass too, and stayed right there for what seemed like minutes. He never flashed his lights, horn, or anything, but just waited for the idiot to get out of the way. They finally moved and he took off. I did NOT follow.

Too much coffee with his doughnuts, I guess.(uhm)

Many years ago I saw a cop do the exact same thing on Rt. 70 West in Maryland. 3 lanes across and this cop takes the far right-hand lane and speeds up on my ass. I pull over, expecting him to stop and ticket me and he just keeps on going. It was fairly heavy traffic and I watched him "plow" through maybe 35 cars that way. Like you said, no lights, no siren, no horn, no nothing. Very, very odd.
He didnt know him, but said if he knew I was related sooner he wouldnt have given me a ticket at all! Damn there is just no good way to bring that up to a cop without looking cocky or desperate. Oh well, he did compliment me on a nice car, just told me not to open it up on his road anymore :)
One of my best friends is a city police officer and he gave me a blue/black striped sticker that is supposed to represent that the car is occupied/driven by either a police officer or a loved one of a police officer, if another cop sees that sticker and I'm doing something I shouldn't be he/she might take it easier on me for that same reason.. I can't remember if he said it was just a VA thing of if it's like an international sign but ask your uncle about it and he might give you one, they cost alot (mine was $15 for a 3"x2" sitcker) but all the money goes to a fund for downed officer's families so I'd be carefull asking him about it. I put mine on the back of my windshield, no tickets..yet.
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another thing thats good.... pre-paid legal service

its like $15-20/month and they give you a sticker to put on your car. They fight any ticket for you, as well as give you advice on contracts and whatnot.

I used to work in dc and my boss (we carpooled) got pulled over several times. When the cop saw the pre-paid legal sticker, he let us go. To the officer, its not worth the hassle to go to court esp since somewhere around 95+% of the tickets get dropped
yeah I got a pretty odd cop story myself... I think I was coming from work or grocery store or something. Not on the highway or anything like that. Just regular ole peice of road. Cop pretty much follows me all the way home and then for some reason gets in the other lane and goes right pass haulin ass. So I was like woo sigh of relief but then all of a sudden the cop slams on the brakes and slows down to like 5 mph and gets right behind me again and follows me all the way. No lights.. no nothing. I swear.. It was like something out of the movie Super Troopers. Very very weird.
had something similiar happen, actually....

I was going through virginia (funny how most of my cop stories start with this line) it was like midnight, I was on my way back to WV on I-66. This jeep flies past me doing 20+ over and I was thinking "what a dumbass, you should know better on this road." So I've got my cruise set to 64 (65 zone) because I'm not in a hurry, just taking my time. Not even 5 miles up the road, a cop has the jeep pulled over. I do the respectful thing and ease over a lane to give him some space. I don't get but maybe a mile up the road and this cop flies past me then slams on his brakes and comes beside me, then pulls me over, almost forcing me off the road.

He left this guy on the side of the road and came up to me because I was driving a modified honda and my exhaust was illegal in VA. I had WV tags and I was on an interstate highway simply "passing through." This was one cop that made me nervous, too. He came up to the car and unlatched his sidearm and had one hand resting on it the entire time and he looked through my back hatch for drug paraphernalia. He had no legal grounds for a search so he walked all around my car with a flashlight looking in all the windows and the hatch.

Tell me thats not profiling. A young kid (well, 23) in a modified car at night. Pulling me over because my car won't pass VA inspection when i'm not from VA!!

Theres a lot more to that story, but I'll spare details as he kept me there for like an hour.
yeah sometimes I wonder just what in the hell are cops thinking sometimes. They are always out trying to look for that one big moment that propels their career for some strange reason. Ive got a ton of crazy cop stories. Other than my 2 incidents.. all the cops around here have been nice and everything to me. I also dont give them any grief when they pull me over either.
wooo...if it was midnight, then it's a good thing he didn't go CRAZY and call in like 2 more cars for backup...^^;
Well I just got a new cop story last night. No tickets or speeding or anything, but.... well. I had mt up with this girl from out in town. Met online and talked a while. She lives 2 blocks outside Camp Pendleton where I am stationed, so we met in a park. I could tell she was a kinda thick girl but had no idea until she got out of her car. I kept telling myself "you can still get away, you can still take off.... she isnt in the car yet, GO, Evan, GO!!!" but I didnt listen. Anyways, skipping a bunch of crap here, we wind up fooling around in my car, shirts lifted and stuff, and then BOOM!!! There is a cop at my window with the flashlight. Cop seemed nice about it though. I guess he understood how much I needed "it" if I was willing to do it with a girl 3 times my size. So he asked a few questions, checked my ID, asked what unit I was with, asked her if I was holding her against her will, blah blah blah, and said "Have a good night." Yeah, we blitzed out of there as soon as he turned his back.

Interesting night, to say in the least..........
interesting fact: in some states if an officer suspects someone of having (ahem) "relations" they have to honk the horn several times then wait 5 min before approaching the vehicle
Yeah, I can see where that would come in handy. This time he only got to see a boob, but had it been a much more attractive girl, then he ight have got an eyefull of my big hairy white-boy ass in the window. (upbum)(evil)
Yeah, I can see where that would come in handy. This time he only got to see a boob, but had it been a much more attractive girl, then he ight have got an eyefull of my big hairy white-boy ass in the window. (upbum)(evil)

and we all know no one wants to see that!! haha Im sorry but that entire story makes me laugh really really hard. Good times.. thats something your never forget either.