The MS6 Build-a-Beast is coming very soon...(Pics)

yea Chicago and New York. pretty far drive or tow for that matter.

I am sticking with it. Im starting to save for a standalone. Between now and the time I buy the standalone, if someone offers me what i want for the car, im selling it.

Which standalone ??
have you talked to them about using the thing with the Direct Injection? I doubt it will work. The VW guys have been working on this for a long time now and haven't had any luck.
have you talked to them about using the thing with the Direct Injection? I doubt it will work. The VW guys have been working on this for a long time now and haven't had any luck.

i think they have done it on a speed 3 with bolt ons. If they cant do it then thats just another reason i should sell my car. what are my standalone options for DI?
The motec has been used on a speed 6. They did have to integrate port injection, but I bet that was because there were no fuel upgrades that long ago. It did still control the di up to a certain rpm though, so I imagine it would work with you having the upgraded pump.

That, or maybe the cost of a plane ticket for one of the pg guys to come to your city to tune it would be alot cheaper. They'd get it on the road and driveable at the very least. I would see about upgrading the standalone though. They've added some neat tricks from what I understand.
FYI, MOTEC is the crem dele crem, I wouldn't expect them to sell you anything unless you have a race team behind you or VERY deep pockets.
Yes, VERY expensive, but I garantee if you were to buy one, they'd help you get it going. I called just asking about the anonimous 500hp speed 6 early last year and the guy spent almost 2 full hours on the phone with me after hours. If I had the grip, my car would be in thier hands as we speak.
well ill give them a call tomorrow, if its duable i will gor sure take over this project!
I personally don't think the car really needs one to get it past it's current point I mean if you can get more HP than that on a car with stock fuel and a Piggyback what is the real problem here.

If I had the cash I would buy the thing and finish it but I just don't ATM. I'd take an MS6 over a 3 anyday.
Chris, if I had a truck and a trailer, I would totally be down for a road trip to Chi-town. But I dont. And I dont know where to get one.

But, I just wanted to say Good Luck, and thank you for your pioneering effort, whatever your decision. My only suggestion is to maybe try the XEDE ... It seems to work on the PG test car and puts out the best numbers. I hate to go against CP-E but maybe changing things up may help.
The motec has been used on a speed 6. They did have to integrate port injection, but I bet that was because there were no fuel upgrades that long ago. It did still control the di up to a certain rpm though, so I imagine it would work with you having the upgraded pump.

That, or maybe the cost of a plane ticket for one of the pg guys to come to your city to tune it would be alot cheaper. They'd get it on the road and driveable at the very least. I would see about upgrading the standalone though. They've added some neat tricks from what I understand.

Can you provide evidence or a link to show us where you've seen this done? I'm interested to see if someone's able to unleash a 6 to its full potential.

I had the opportunity to speak with one of the engineers at Motec about the system they put together. Mazda USA paid them a lot of money to put their system in the car and see what they could do. They were able to extract more power much like our other vendors however due to the lack of an upgraded fuel system they couldn't do much with it. RPM as was mentioned was unable to be controlled. According to him no matter what you did the car had to run the stock ecu to run various functions for the car to run like stock. According to him they never achieved this. The system they had btw was prohibitively expensive to sell to the masses which is why you won't see it any time soon. The good news is that they are working on new technology that should be able to take control fully of the DPFI some time late 2008 early 2009. Having said all this any other available ECU's available at this time will be hacks. You can get them to run but it's no real solution by any means. It's the equivalent of using duct tape, it works great but it's not pretty. Believe me I'm anxious to have a solution myself.

I think too that everyone should be come to terms that any real solution may cost over $1000.00. Supply and demand dictates this. For anyone to sell 50-units of these is a wasted effort except for a dedicated company. There are just too few to work that hard to supply an option at a low cost.

One of the coolest things I saw and would purchase tomorrow is the Mazdaspeed3 conversion to the Speed6 drive line. AWD Speed3. That was awesome. Run a search.
we have a standalone in the works for release this year. its going to be expensive, its not going to be plug and play but it will control the direct injection system and take FULL control of the vehicle away from the factory computer.

i am betting if the standback was removed and the bypass switch was run to allow the car to drive on the stock ECU this car would be doing just fine. i think there has to be a case of the world's worst tune on this car or some poor installation somewhere in the mix here.
we have a standalone in the works for release this year. its going to be expensive, its not going to be plug and play but it will control the direct injection system and take FULL control of the vehicle away from the factory computer.

i am betting if the standback was removed and the bypass switch was run to allow the car to drive on the stock ECU this car would be doing just fine. i think there has to be a case of the world's worst tune on this car or some poor installation somewhere in the mix here.

That sounds great... when do you think the release this year will be? Some time early summer?