Stongard installed on my P5


Hey guys. Just had the Stongard clear bra product installed on my P5 today. Took some pictures and posted my reactions on my page. See and click either on the link at the top of the main frame or on the "My Protege 5" link on the left.

The product is a bit visible if you look at the difference in texture. The Stongard uses a 3M product which when installed has a slight orange peel texture, but I believe the protection this gives you far outweighs the slight visual downside. If you take a step back about 3-4 feet the product becomes invisible as you can see in the pictures. The stuff has a 30 day "curing" time at which point any small bubbles, wrinkles etc should vanish. I didn't notice any in my install. I really think installer skill will prove vital with this product. They warranty the product for as long as you own the car if you have a qualified installer install it, but not if you do. For the $70 I paid to have it installed, I think that's a bargain. It took them about 4 hours to install the stuff on my car...only $70? What a deal!
Nice, Not to noticeable too. Take off the front plate for a much cleaner look, unless you love that dealership that much.:)
Looks really good! If i do get the P.5 i will definetly look into getting this done. I drive a red MX-6 right now and i know what you mean about red cars....

Did the cover affect the lights ability at all?

redwagon02 said:
Nice, Not to noticeable too. Take off the front plate for a much cleaner look, unless you love that dealership that much.:)

Yeah. have been thinking about that. I've been running without a front plate on my Miata for as long as I've had it (about 4 years) and have gotten pulled over twice, but never ticketed. Will have to remove it and see how unslightly the holes in the bumper are...
Claeren said:
Looks really good! If i do get the P.5 i will definetly look into getting this done. I drive a red MX-6 right now and i know what you mean about red cars....

Did the cover affect the lights ability at all?


Thanks! I haven't driven at night, but the stuff is supposed to be perfectly clear optically, so I don't think it should affect them. Will definately post back if I notice any drop in performance.
nramsey said:
Will have to remove it and see how unslightly the holes in the bumper are...

It's too bad they put the darn thing on there in the first place. There are no holes in the bumper when the cars come over - Mine had the front tag mount in the back, and the nose is "perfect."

Will have to remove it and see how unslightly the holes in the bumper are...

I bought my car at a Tent Sale they where having here. After buying the car, they said they would need to prep it and that I could pick it up the next day. I said that that was fine, but if there where holes drilled into the front bumper to put a dealer plate and frame on that I would not be buying the car.

Come to find out that I'm about the only person driving a car from that dealership without the front plate set up.

My mom actaully went futher than just telling them not to. They went ahead and put one on a car she bought and told them not to. She refused to take the car and pay for it so they took the front bumper off an identcal car on the lot to replace it. I guess I know where I get my stubborness from. :D
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I have the stongard product on my fog lights, but I have yet to install it on the headlights or the front bumper. I got the headlight/foglight combo for about $47.00 at
I just wanted to keep from busting a foglight mainly, it's worked so far! Your car looks good by the way nramsey!
I can't see it at all. Maybe I have to clean my glasses. Where do you get this product? It sounds like the perfect solution.

Very nice!
I had some of that stuff on my Zx-7 a few years ago, it seemed to work pretty good..except it seemed to build up crap along the edges after time.
2002VividYellow said:
I had some of that stuff on my Zx-7 a few years ago, it seemed to work pretty good..except it seemed to build up crap along the edges after time.
A soft tooth brush and a little patience should be able to clean that out. I've been wondering about this stuff too.
I have seen their site and almost ordered some myself but wanted some info from somebody who has used it. My front end has about 6 or 7 chips (small) already. Thinking I'm gonna have to get it soon.
My thoughts (Please forgive me if any of these have already been addressed) :

1) nramsey: looks good. I think it is noticeable, though. That is probably because I'm so anal about the look and shine of my car. I frequently get down low and check the reflective nature of my paint (I only have a couple of hobbies).

2) I'm concerned about what to do at wax time. Plastic and wax usually don't work well together.

3) I wonder what the oxidation effect is between covered and uncovered locations. Disproportionate fading is pretty obvious.

4) I'm not so sure that any "covering" product would do well here in the desert. Days in the summer are almost never below 100 degrees, and many times much higher. Just what would this product do under those extremes?

5) Nicks and dings are a fact of life. I'm Mr. Touchup. Those don't drive me crazy - I just get out the paint.

6) After a few years, I enjoy repainting my cars. I make sure the paint job is of the highest quality, with plenty of clear coats.

7) What happens if grease or some other caustic, gooey substance gets on the coating? Does it hold to it, break it down?

8) Does the product scratch? Scratches in plastic tend to dull it. It seems to me that the paint underneath would look duller even if the scratches were too small to see.

9) If crap collects underneath the edges of the product, does this "lift" the adhesion at the edge?

Just my observations,
Hi Syz,

Most of your questions can be answered by going to the Stongard web site and reading the FAQs. I will try to tackle some of the questions I know the answer to.

1) Yep, it is noticable if you know what to look for, but not from more than about 5 feet's your call if the protection is worth this sacrifice.

2) They say to wax the product like it wasn't even there. Obviously there will be some cleanup around the edges which are inevitable.

3) Supposedly the product has UV screens in it just like clearcoat does so fading difference should be negligable if you take care of the uncovered paint and don't let it oxidize.

4) According to the FAQs this product was designed to withstand any climate a car might go should be fine in the desert.

5) After 4 years my '97 Altima front end had so many chips (very small) that touchup wouldn't be possible. I don't want that to happen to this car...

6) Well if you have that ability then maybe this isn't for you. I don't :)

7) Not sure, but the product is warrantied for as long as you own the car. If something were to mar the finish you'd probably be able to have the piece replaced. That said, each piece is pretty cheap...even the big bumper piece is under $100 and install should be maybe $20-30...don't think it would be a big deal to replace a piece in a few years if need be.

8) Yes, the product does scratch, but it is warrantied not to discolor or fade. The scratches are like fine scratches you'd get in your paint...

9) Not sure, might. But the product is warrantied not to lift from the paint for as long as you own the I don't think this would be a big deal to get taken care of.

Hope that helps :)