ssafc/aem wideband help please


2003.5 MSP
just wondering if anyone could help me adjust my aux output for data logging between the ssafc and the aem wideband. have the orange wire hooked up to the wideband. just wondering what i would put in for my min reading at min voltage, min voltage, maximum reading at max voltage, and max voltage. and also what does this info help me read? i am thinking the max afr is 18.50 with a voltage reading of 4.250 volts and min afr being 10 at 0 volts? correct me if im wrong? or is it afr of 20 with a voltage of 5 for maximum and 10 afr with min voltage of 0?

its been a year of owning this afc and i am just now starting to figure everything out and get it dialed in properly

thanks for the help guys.