Sound deadening???


2006 6, looking into MS6
So I want to fix a few rattles and maybe take out some of the road noise in my 6hb. I have already decided to use Raamat, but what's a good guestimate on the square footage I'll need?
I got the 36sq ft box of dyno (off craigslist) for 80 bucks Did all the back by the spare tire and rear hatch and under the seats rear seats with that got another box did the doors and had some left over was gonna do the full floor but thats when I wanted the Speed6, Just try to get under the wires and make sure you cut holes for the stuff you put back on.
i went through 50 sq ft just in the trunk area. but i covered every inch of it. then used another 50 doing the floor throughout the car. i also took expanding foam in a can, and filled the C pillars, trunk bracing, and anywhere that was an open gap. then used a foam pad to fill the large areas behind the trunk paneling.
i went through 50 sq ft just in the trunk area. but i covered every inch of it. then used another 50 doing the floor throughout the car. i also took expanding foam in a can, and filled the C pillars, trunk bracing, and anywhere that was an open gap. then used a foam pad to fill the large areas behind the trunk paneling.

By covering the floorboard and the trunk what would you say the difference was? Was it worth all the work/money? Is the difference night and day?
very much. i did this back when my stereo was all stock. and it made a huge difference even then in sound quality. the expanding foam def made the biggest difference though. that actually stopped alot fo the creaking i got when i installed the coilovers and larger sway bar's.
Thanks for the input, I really like the expanding foam in the pillars too. I still need some ensolite before I jump into this.
with the spray foam, what do you do, just spray it in there and cut off what spills over?

this would be great for sound deadening cause its low weight.