Signs of impending troubles or is it just me?


08 MAzdaspeed3
I own a 2008.5 MS3 with about 1900 miles on it. The only thing I have done is a Forge BPV, blitzdtt, and a set of street unit boost hoses a friend gave me.

I had the forge bpv installed since the car had 300mi and the boost hoses went on this last Saturday. Sunday I took the car for a drive on the freeway and noticed that in 6th doing about 70 if I got on the throttle the boost would spike to 1.30hkpa before settling down boost number I cannot be sure. I had the warning beep set at 1.30hkpa. I enjoy a slight boost in performance after the boost hose install just enough for me to notice.

Well the problem if any started Monday evening. On the way to the restaurant I decided to take a road that had couple curves into a long straight that ran along side the freeway did not get to crazy but had a little fun through the curves and a bit on the straight. I got the warning beeps a couple of times on the way to dinner. Now this is the weird part, after dinner I left the restaurant and got onto the freeway to head home. I noticed that the car was running a bit sluggish. So just to see I got up to around 70 in 6th and got on the gas and I saw that the boost only made it to about 1.20hkpa. I then down shifted into fifth and gave it some gas and kept an eye on the boost gauge and saw that I was building boost but the car just didn't seem to pull as much as it did the previous day or even earlier that evening. I figured ahh I must not have tighten the clamps down enough. Got home a rechecked all my work. All hose clamps are tight and secure. BPV is on correctly line for the boost gauge is on correctly. I am out of ideas as to what it might be.

Now here is what I am thinking:

Either something happened to the hoses or clamps or there is a leak that I am not seeing.

The ECU noticing that I am getting more boost and is correcting to keep it within spec.

Its just me and I need to stop worrying.

Ive been reading up on a few threads about blown motors and was getting a bit worried. My previous experience with boost was is my supercharged Maxima that I spent many hours wrenching on. So I do now my way a bit around a car. Any thoughts help are greatly appreciated.
You should never floor it at low rpm in higher gear... it put too much load on the engine. Thats how you pop an engine.
Yes advice taken.

Although I dont recall if I had it floored when I was doing that. I remember a little more than 50% throttle. but again I am ot sure.

Car seems to me doing better I don't know what was going on but I hope I didn't mess anything up. My Maxima engine was able to take a bit of punishment I not sure what the MS3 engine can with stand. I just hope I did not mess anything up.

thanks for the help people.