Should I trade the 2006 MS6 for a 2010 MS3

I wouldnt...MS6 is a pretty rare car and not so boy racerish. The new MS3 IMO...MO...MO looks like crap...again MO. So no I wouldnt do it.
imo i would keep the ms6...if your going to trade for a ms3...get the 1st gen ms3...ive weighed both cars at the track and the ms3 3220 with myself in it...3609 in the ms6 and im not a small guy
its kind of hard to see it from your point of view when all you want to do is "go fast". the MS6 can be just as fast as an MS3 with the right mods. to me the ms6 is a little less "boy racer" and a little more "refined speeder".

all of this is IMO so dont get your panties in a bunch. its all up to the OP what he wants to do with what he has.

The only person seemly getting their "panties in a bunch" is you for one.

It's hard to see my point of view?? It’s hard for you to comprehend that lighter weight and a significantly better power to weight ratio equals faster car??

Did I say being “faster” is all that matters? No, that’s you making assumptions. I simply pointed out the very significant factor of being quicker when you need it most.

Why you're getting your panties in a bunch over this is beyond me.

And we're obviously talking about stock for stock. Both cars can be modified. And what is so "boy racer" about a 4dr hatch back?

Yeah the MS6 isn't as common but why is that? It's because it wasn't selling and not all that great compared to the competition.
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the ms3 is def not as under the radar as the 6 is.

and alot of the people ive meet locally with ms3s are boy ricer assholes and think just because you have a mazdaspeed logo on your car means you wanna race him. all the ms6 people around here (about 4 or so) are really cool and not little ricer folks.
the ms3 is def not as under the radar as the 6 is.

and alot of the people ive meet locally with ms3s are boy ricer assholes and think just because you have a mazdaspeed logo on your car means you wanna race him. all the ms6 people around here (about 4 or so) are really cool and not little ricer folks.

Yeah and it's the opposite over where I live.

It doesn't prove anything.

Smart people buy a car based on what they think of it NOT what others think. That's just being a sheep.
No. I prefer the looks of the MS6 and it's also a little more exclusive. Unless you love the new MS3, I don't see a point in spending the extra money (assuming you're in good financial standing with your MS6).

Save your money for a step-up, rather than a step-down.
No. I prefer the looks of the MS6 and it's also a little more exclusive. Unless you love the new MS3, I don't see a point in spending the extra money (assuming you're in good financial standing with your MS6).

Save your money for a step-up, rather than a step-down.

Taking a step down? We're talking about a MS6 here not a BMW 335i lol. And generally if you're "taking a step down" you're switching to something with inferior performance. That's simply not the case here. The MS3 kills the MS6 at everything minus maybe 0-60 runs and depending on where you live the AWD might be an asset. But then again, if you're idea of "stepping down" is switching to a "smaller" and maybe a bit less refined car then I suppose that statement would make more sense. I have nothing against the MS6 or anything but some of yous talk about it likes it’s a damn Audi S4 or something. If they were so great they'll still be making them. Personally, I would try to get into an EVO X GSR not that the MS3 is such a horrible option or anything.
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The only person seemly getting their "panties in a bunch" is you for one.

It's hard to see my point of view?? It’s hard for you to comprehend that lighter weight and a significantly better power to weight ratio equals faster car??

Did I say being “faster” is all that matters? No, that’s you making assumptions. I simply pointed out the very significant factor of being quicker when you need it most.

Why you're getting your panties in a bunch over this is beyond me.

And we're obviously talking about stock for stock. Both cars can be modified. And what is so "boy racer" about a 4dr hatch back?

Yeah the MS6 isn't as common but why is that? It's because it wasn't selling and not all that great compared to the competition.

Taking a step down? We're talking about a MS6 here not a BMW 335i lol. And generally if you're "taking a step down" you're switching to something with inferior performance. That's simply not the case here. The MS3 kills the MS6 at everything minus maybe 0-60 runs and depending on where you live the AWD might be an asset. But then again, if you're idea of "stepping down" is switching to a "smaller" and maybe a bit less refined car then I suppose that statement would make more sense. I have nothing against the MS6 or anything but some of yous talk about it likes it’s a damn Audi S4 or something. If they were so great they'll still be making them. Personally, I would try to get into an EVO X GSR not that the MS3 is such a horrible option or anything.

looks like you are the one that is taking this to heart. everyone has an opinion and from the looks of it you are the one trying to force your opinion on ppl around here. its ok that ppl dont have the same views as you as to what "taking a step down" is. you can just factor the things you are trying to compare, you have to factor in everything. to me the MS3 is nice but the MS6 is more refined. interior and exterior wise the MS6 wins, in performance the MS3 wins. in rarity the MS6 wins, but like you stated the MS6 didnt sell as well as the MS3. maybe thats because the MS6 was marketed to a much older crowd and for the price older ppl would find somthing just a little more refined. the MS3 was marketed towards younger ppl and that is why it sold so well. younger ppl just want the fastest, newest, least expensive thing out there. kind of like when the SRT-4 came out.
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Taking a step down? We're talking about a MS6 here not a BMW 335i lol. And generally if you're "taking a step down" you're switching to something with inferior performance. That's simply not the case here. The MS3 kills the MS6 at everything minus maybe 0-60 runs and depending on where you live the AWD might be an asset. But then again, if you're idea of "stepping down" is switching to a "smaller" and maybe a bit less refined car then I suppose that statement would make more sense. I have nothing against the MS6 or anything but some of yous talk about it likes its a damn Audi S4 or something. If they were so great they'll still be making them. Personally, I would try to get into an EVO X GSR not that the MS3 is such a horrible option or anything.

Classing and features of the two vehicles, combined with the marginal difference in performance makes going from the MS6 to an MS3 a step down. To me, it only makes sense for financial reasons (what I highlighted in my reply). To add to this, I am not a fan of the styling for the '10 MS3.

Price and condition being equal, I would choose the MS6 any day. For a new car, I could not have done better than the price/performance of the MS3 and that's why I ended up with one. Let's not forget that "stepping down" may not just be about pure performance and rather the enjoyment of the ride. The MS3 laps Laguna Seca faster than the RX-8, would you consider the MS3 to be a step down from the RX-8? I certainly would.

The MS6 may not be an S4, but no one brought that up as a comparison, either. He's already got an MS6, why trade in for an MS3 unless for financial reasons? I can't get passed this point because it honestly doesn't make sense.
If that's your only choice in car, then sure. The MS6 doesn't hold it's value well (at least around here) and has been far more unreliable compared to the later MS3 models. Performance aside, I know several people that have them from a local club and almost all have now sold their MS6's. Motor mounts, diff mounts, rear diff replacement, driveshaft replacement, bearing problems, smoking turbo's (not ms6 exclusive), etc. Beyond stock they just aren't built for any mods and often fail without mods. It's a bit more refined on the inside than the MS3, but most people agree that the MS3 is far from "boy racer" anyway. Most people think it's simply another Mazda 3 and still leaps and bounds above the Civic Si or Neon SRT-4. Honestly though, the choice is up to you. Many car manufacturers have repeat customers and if you like the new MS3, then go for it.
I'd say yes for the improved reliability, utility, and fuel economy. The bottom line is that it's a fun car. Take a test drive and see if you enjoy it.
hmmmmm i saw a SWEET looking ms6 the other day, and i would have to say, if it were me, no way.

i think that the ms6, if it were paid for, and running fine would be may car for a while... i would start doing some tasteful mods (as this one had), and keep driving it.
..... The MS6 doesn't hold it's value well......

name me anything that does... when value of dollar falls, not gains, expect everything you buy to be worthless when you've got it paid for. if you buy a car based on it's resale value... good luck.

ask guys trying to sell 50k boats in florida right now.

the only new thing i ever buy NEW are vehicles... i like to have a bit of warranty, as i put lotsa miles on them, i like to start with a clean slate, as i know how to take care of one, and i usually drive them about 10 years... sometimes more. sometimes, many more.

i know i'm going to take the hit in depreciation, but i make it back with a 0% loan (or as close as you can get), and planning on driving it into the 'cinderella' years...
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