Really Stupid Question about Brakes (2002 Protege LX)


Alright, I know I am going to have plenty of posters telling me to just go look at the car, however my girlfriend has the car (it's hers, but I am the one who has to take care of everything....) so I haven't been able to look myself, and trying to get her to tell me is like explaining quantum mechanics to a toddler. Granted, we live together, but the next two weeks she is housesitting for a friend and is staying there. We are moving across the country in three weeks (great timing on her part, am i right?) and want to get her brakes replaced along with some other stuff (and hopefully not the cat, but thats another story)

Are the rear brakes on the 2002 Mazda Protege LX drum or disc?

Like I said, really stupid, but I've been too lazy to check this before hand, and its getting to crunch time on our move so I want to get these ordered.

Any help would be appreciated greatly!